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Bluewhale in China

Home Forums General General Board Bluewhale in China

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    Just returned from a project involving Bluewhale in China. All of their ROVs are broke-dick dogs and they are on the soon to be outs list with CNOOC and COOEC. Several ex-Bluewhale guys formed their own ROV company and really dog these clowns in Shekou…just stop in to the Terrace Club on a weekend and ask for Lloyd for the scoop.


    Understand Blue Whale have upset a few people lately, they are very hard to deal with, don’t know how they treat their staff, but also heard they are not flavour of the month with CNOOC / CNOOEC.


    What does it mean to be ‘not flavour of the month’.

    If it means being appointed overall engineering consultants to CNOOC Panyu Operating Company. If it means securing the contracts with COOEC / CNOOC for the Wenchang cable installation, Panyu 30-1 pipeline completion and Liuhua 11-1 FPS dry docking. If it means being the guest of honour at celebration dinners organised by the presidents of CNOOC Shenzhen and CACT.

    If it means all of these then yes Bluewhale is ‘not flavour of the month’.

    I know Lloyd (Mad-dog) and I consider myself honoured to be able to call Lloyd a friend ,so the implication that Lloyd formed his own company ONLY after working for Bluewhale offends. The company in question was formed before Lloyds’ association with Bluewhale and although Bluewhale and Lloyd’s company no longer work together these things happen and I wish them well.


    HI I came behind these dickwigs on a job in China, twats sabotaged the system at bluewhale before they left. What dignity.

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