Home Forums General General Board Can anyone shed any light on this?

Can anyone shed any light on this?

Home Forums General General Board Can anyone shed any light on this?

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  • #12565
    Scott Beveridge

    Savante, yes spoke to him the other day, and yes it does sound interesting.

    Top tip, if you decide to submit a CV do not mention any sidelines outside of your offshore employment (if you have any). In my CV it mentions the fact that I am a sleeping partner in a company.

    They decided ‘not to pursue my application as they had concerns over my commitment to the project’.

    Or maybe they just thought I was crap 🙁

    Dude, some projects are crap as well but turn out smelling like Roses


    Have seen a number of new kit designs not reach full development due to the cost of R&D….such how many Oil companies are going to let an un proofed piece of get with the potential of damaging their asset for starters.
    While working for FMC in Singers saw soom new cutters etc. and other intervention kit.
    Some interesting ideas that in all likely hood might do the business but to reach a level of development and a nood from say API etc is big $.
    Having said that the market is ripe and the dosh is around ..just do not invest or give up a steady hitch for a flash in the pan operator…I did and was back jumping out of bells in two months .


    Does that mean that you get 9 day rates?

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