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Can this Forum be taken seriously?

Home Forums General General Board Can this Forum be taken seriously?

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    James McLauchlan

    I have started this new thread is response to another thread in which it came to light that it was turning into an abusive string.

    One post, in response to the way the thread was developing, can be seen below….

    This is why this forum never can be taken seriously!

    Some members are just taking piss on others! H20mrv one of the memebers who needs to be closed out from this forum!

    Admin: Please consider to close memebers who don’t contribute in a serious way!

    PS: My English are probably not perfect either, but I don’t care! What the f**k does it matter if our spellings are a bit wrong? I would like to see some of you from the former "Great" Britain spelling Norwegian or Thai..

    Your comments have been noted and I am inclined to agree with them.

    Over the last couple of months regular visitors to the Forum will have noticed a little more active moderation of posts around here by admin. This has come about to do exactly what slayer is suggesting. The reason for more ‘policing’ for want of a better word, is that it has become very clear that in a number of cases members seem to view this forum as a place to air their views on individuals whilst supposedly hiding behind anonymous user names. Personal abuse will result is some action being taken. If it results in a member account being deleted then so be it. When a members account is deleted all that members posts go too.

      Post counts and user/member ranks have been removed to help prevent prolific useless posting just to get numbers/rank up.
      Some accounts have been shut down for abuse.
      Posts have been deleted if they were viewed as abusive or simply rubbish.

    Please note that the website owners plus admins/moderators on this site have every right in the world to do what they wish with regard to any of the above.

    We do not need to justify our actions in doing what we believe we are required to do by way of keeping this forum operating in such a a way that it does not cause offence to other people.
    Plus for sure we will cut out crap posts far more often… You know….the clever/witty one or two line replies that are added for no other reason than to disrupted a thread.

    If the above actions means we end up with fewer posts with (on average) better content then that penalty is worth paying.

    Comments welcome…….


    Well said ……James.

    I have posted a few foot in mouth comments myself and been shot down in flames …heck we all make mistakes …but lets keep a sense of humour …I do.



    I cant make sense of half the one liners posted, must be something you learn once you’re in the field.

    A few of the noobs I speak to say this sites crap, probably refering to the abuse they recieve when posting questions or queiries. I’ve found that its mainly full of arrogant keyboard hero’s with ego’s as big as their waist lines who are no help at all. There are a few good posters though!

    I like this site, I’ve read some good posts and if there was less of what James mentioned it’d be a much nicer place.

    James McLauchlan

    The ‘shot down in flames’ approach will die a death as long as we have any influence over it.

    Based on recent posts we are going to be less tolerant to inane or abusive posts in this forum. We have been very lenient over the years but it seems that self regulation is not the route to take.


    Some of the questions here really need a stupid answer, it just shows that some people have not been reading 1 single page here, some people don’t even know what a ROV is, just heard about the money you can get for doing fcuk all (that was a joke)
    And about some of the people they send out, my god i can’t believe it, found a leak, asked the guy to fix it, he say, why don’t we wait to after the dive,,, there you go….


    The ‘shot down in flames’ approach will die a death as long as we have any influence over it.

    Based on recent posts we are going to be less tolerant to inane or abusive posts in this forum. We have been very lenient over the years but it seems that self regulation is not the route to take.

    Hi James,

    Yes, you have to be careful these days, forums sometimes give wrong facts that can lead to problems for the companies and ISP’s / advertisers etc involved. I have a friend who only last week lost his job due to the company going bankrupt because of 2 forum posts, can you believe that? shame. Lawyers eh, they printing money!!!

    But it’s true, forums go from good sources of information to bankrupt companies every day of the week.

    Keep up the good work RovWorld, don’t let your forum go this way eh.

    While on the subject, could you tell me who is responsible at ROVWorld LDA for moderating / content-filtering / Company Advice given on it’s companies Nuke powered forum??

    Much appreciated


    James McLauchlan

    Lostboy…. no offence intended but your one line post was nothing to do with the discussion, so it was deleted.

    James McLauchlan

    While on the subject, could you tell me who is responsible at ROVWorld LDA for moderating / content-filtering / Company Advice given on it’s companies Nuke powered forum??

    Much appreciated



    Thanks for your input.

    On the above point…. We are. Please send a PM or email, or use the contact form on ROVworld Lda to discuss your query.

    James McLauchlan

    I am not a keen advocate of sneaking around reporting people because I would rather confront them directly, but due to the remote nature of a Forum if anyone sees a member posting out of line, and feel pissed off enough to want to act on it, please send a PM to jamesmc or ginamc and we will deal with it accordingly.


    James, come on lighten up ! 😯

    I was about to commend you on clamping down on the abusive type posts, but as Deepdown says some questions need stupid answers; he probably means some of the ‘stupid’ questions need stupid answers, because some posters haven’t even bothered to read the history before asking their (to us stupid questions) questions.
    There’s that much data here on this excellent site – if they’re half serious about wanting to be an "R 🙄 V Pilot" they should spend the time and read it.
    Some posters don’t appear to have gone through elementary school and really they need a comprehension of english if they want to work internationally.
    (Nothing wrong with the wooden tops english, wish I could speak Norwegian)

    Yeh I know Deepdown, same same; pre-dive light not working "it’ll be daylight in several more hours why can’t we leave it" – NO we have time, we fix it now before we go in!
    And these guys starting out should have a trade background – not be ex-Postmen, that don’t know how to use a hammer and center punch before a drill 💡

    And I’m sure some of the posts are just in for a good crack anyway.
    (Pried if you can’t make sense of it, it’s probabley not for you, chill) 😛



    The answer to your question is Yes.

    There is a line between abusive behavoir, (As shown by the [admin edit: user account & posts deleted] posting) and a giggle. Cultures are worlds apart when it comes to humour, but abuse in whatever form has to be nipped in the bud.

    On the other hand, let’s not get too touchy feely and start deleting one liners that are a bit of lighthearted banter, even if it appears not to follow the post.

    You, Gina and the admin team put a terrific amount of personnal time and effort into ROVworld to maintain what has turned into an excellent worldwide resource for employers, employees and interested parties alike, – don’ t let those that should know better drag it down…


    Note by admin (jamesmc)
    T, apologies for the edit but, at the personal request of a deleted user, references to his username have been removed from this forum, as have all his associated posts.


    James is right, there is no need to give stupid answers to questions you may think are common sense to you, and who really cares about the spelling etc do really think your grasp of the English dictionary makes you a great or bad ROV hand? Wake up. I am shocked by some of the comments and verbal crap I have read on this site from people blowing themselves up to be senior or superior because they have been doing it for a while which they think gives them the right to take cheap nasty shots over the internet without the fear of physical consequence. Well let me tell the new or thinking about joining the industry that when you do get offshore especially on a drill rig the biggest mouse in the coffee shop is usually the ROV mouths who type dung on this site. I am puzzled when I read some of the comments such as "harden up" "school of hard knocks" blah blah…..do we mine coal? Work on 60ft trawlers in the North Sea, SAT divers, derrick men, rough necks, FRC crew? We operate ROV’s which offshore is regarded as a cushy number ( not all jobs are cushy I know ) and its not regarded as one of those jobs that demands men of steel, this is the reason most of us got into ROV, ROV crew should have a brain. This was certainly true a long time back but when I read the posts some cavemen put up I have to think that brains are no longer required.
    The few fools that type the bull on here are possibly wanna a be’s with huge chips on their shoulders maybe as a result of what some diving supervisor did to them in a paint locker years ago.
    To the folks considering joining the business please ignore the muppets, the majority of the guys are proffessional, they run big expensive machinery so have to be and have to pass the knowledge on unless they want to work 24hrs everyday. I have observed that the guys who commonly complain (actually bragging) about how many hours they have to work because everybody is useless are generally poor leaders and cannot / will not teach. The end result is misguided crew lead by ignorant supervisor, one good problem on the job and it becomes a disaster.

    Leave this site for the good info and advice, go play on Bebo or chat rooms if its just rubbish you want to post. Our employers and clients read this site and may think we are all as dumb as you.

    Why not start your own website and post your name and address when insulting others

    Been asked a stupid questions.
    Then give them a bloody good answer!
    Educate please

    Fire hose at the ready

    Andy Shiers

    Point taken James.
    I shall curb my remarks from now 😳


    "Posts have been deleted if they were viewed as abusive or simply rubbish"

    i guess it’s relative to who’s doing the viewing as to what’s rubbish. Myself i would delete the continous stream of "how do i get into rov’s" "where do i find information"etc Especially when the site is full of that same info and some good tips.
    At the risk of getting deleted for calling people thick, but when they have been told politely over and over?……but i guess these people provide the hits a site needs to attract advertising?…

    i know putting peoples personal details on here and abusing people personally is going too far but i hope we are not going to lose some of those straight to the point, plain language posts. i can’t comment on the stuff that’s been deleted, not having seen it but some of the other stuff (not all) brings a wry grin to my face sometimes.

    i guess it’s like my old buddy commented to me offshore once. It’s hard to have fun offshore anymore. Everybody has to be stern faced and serious all the time. Nowadays you can probably get run off for being caught having fun

    i hope this site doesn’t go that way as i’ve enjoyed it to date, some of the info and comments and off the wall weird remarks. I mean who works off shore if your completely normal…..?..they are coming to take me away ha ha they are coming to take me away ha ha

    the other thing i don’t get is about the comment of people posting just to increase their number of posts. I mean why would any one do that?(except scot b of course, oops there i go, actually just joking scot but i mean do i get deleted for that or what, how high is the bar?)…nah thats one i don’t get, no ones going to post just to get numbers up right?…


    I’ve got an idea James why don’t you make joiners (and existing) to the forum input as a * required field, their Nationality to go along with thier current location so we can IGNORE or reply respectively piss take or not with a more appropriate responses. I’m sure nobody from the purple circle will put their flag to any other colour and visa versa? So people from another country can watch the exchange and fat ex pats can put the UK dross to rights and and the old divides can be fought over the keyboard to pass the time if nowt else. If you stop this type of exchange you will be withholding vital info new starts will require, a little heads up if you wish.
    You’re right though stopping these exchanges will just mean another site will pop up to cater to our more verbal fun! Shame you can’t moderate as stated above.

    (Lazy muppets)

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