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Can this Forum be taken seriously?

Home Forums General General Board Can this Forum be taken seriously?

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  • #18463

    I find this site a valuable source of info ,
    if i can answer a sensible question helpfully i will , if i think a question is dumb I ignore it,

    I post on several Ducati forums and they often get newbies who ask for serious technical queries which i can answer helpfully , often these questions get repeated year after year ,so they need stickying . Obviously some dumb question get asked and some posters get flamed . recantly one really valuable forum was destroyed by stupid posting and a new owner ,all the knowledgable people deserted it and formed another site but much valuable archive was lost.

    Dont let it happen here , James is right this site is not a playground it is a valuable resource for ROV workers …damn we all complain of being the bottom feeders in the offahore industry etc but this Site is a point of pwer and knowledge which can help us all get a good deal.

    James McLauchlan

    From the admin side of things we appreciate the time taken by those having added some serious input into this thread.

    I can only deduce, from what I have read, that there are many people around here that feel it was all getting a little out of hand. I can only agree.

    It would be a very time consuming effort on my part to respond to all of you, and your valid suggestions, but here are a few of my thoughts.

    The fun may appear to be suffering in the industry but if we have anything to do with it we will remain light hearted around here. I am up for a joke along with the rest. Those of you that know me already realise that.

    Going back to 2000 when we first started the site (a few static web pages and, not long after, a forum) it was apparent at the time there was no real place one could go and find the kind of info we strive to provide. After all the hard work we have put in it has pissed us off quite a bit (one way of putting it) to see people joining and feeling that it is their god given right to disrupt the house by one means or another.

    There will not be (and never has been) indiscriminate hacking and deleting of posts or accounts if this is a concern of some of you.
    Moderation will be continue to be nothing more that along the lines of other Forums I have run. If anyone feels hard done by, as a result of any of the admin actions here, please send your complaint on a postcard to us (you may have to if you no longer have an account) and we will review the event. Make no mistake about it though…. anyone that takes the piss will have their account deleted, quite possibly without notice.

    I do understand that there seems to be an on land culture developing whereby new/younger members looking to get into the game seem to think that there is no need to do any reading and simply write a one liner saying….

    ‘Please tell me everything and get me a job’

    Many of us know that is not the way to go, plus often the very information they need is already posted in the Forum, FAQ’s and the links section.
    If you are after such information it’s not too hard to find.
    So for those of you tempted to simply ask, without first looking around here, expect little or no response.

    What has brought about this clean up?
    If you check around here you can see we have recently set up a new company… ROVworld Lda.
    ROVworld shares a similar name (no accident) and runs on the same server under the same domain with an /lda extension. This has caused us to focus on the ROVworld package as a whole. Not only are we directly concerned with developing our new company but also wish to see ROVworld.com continue to enjoy it’s popularity as an independent website providing free useful information to the ROV industry in general.

    The rest of the domain is fairly well structured and provides useful information including News (courtesy of our in house new hound – Ron from Ron’s ROV links) With that in mind we need to ensure that the Forum here presents itself in a similar manner and not an out of control centre for slagging off other users as, in many instances, it seems to have been over the past months.

    Even this thread has proven to be a good discussion which is refreshing, to say the least.


    Fully agree with all your statements here James.
    People should not forget that even if they’re registered here at ROVworld they’re actually still guests.
    Those who need/want a forum for less serious conversations as mentioned by James should start their own forum (go to Lycos and install phpBB, both are free).

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