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Canyon bonus

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    Stewart Reid

    Hi guys,

    I had a discussion with a Canyon employee from a different work region and he was getting his bonus every 6 months?

    I would appreciate some feedback on what time period people are getting their bonus from different global regions.




    Some of it is performance related, so basically if they give you a dogshit ROV, they then take your bonus away fir the pleasure


    I am just hiring on US office.

    The bonus scheme I saw was at the end of five years for a pay out…..I might be work but the main idea is retaining people.

    With the bonus surprisingly enough brings things just a tad under North Sea rates.

    What office did you hear every 6 months?

    Stewart Reid

    Hi rovbionic ,

    Thanks for the reply, I can’t believe there’s only a handful of Canyon employees who read this forum???

    The guy’s from Brazil and he says he work’s out of the Singers office.
    A couple of things he say’s isn’t adding up, hence this thread.

    Come on guy’s, I don’t want a novel, just either put 6 mths or 12mths.



    I take it your out of the UK office.

    When is your office paying the bonus?

    US office has lots of Brazilian lads…their day rate isn’t the best unfortunately and can’t find anything that backs up every 6 months.

    Kris Stow


    Canyon only pays out once a year in Decemeber. So short and sweet every 12 months. It’s aciually 2 diffrent kinds first is for loyalty and the 2 if for performance. They have the option to pay out both or just one.



    Ah but the BIG QUESTION is how much and what currency £££ or $$$ 🙄

    Kris Stow

    I’m only familiar with the US bonus being I only work for the Americas region. It is payed out in USD, the amount, well thats determined with what position you fill Supt, Supv, SPT..etc etc… and what progress you make for the company. Sorry I cant be more informative on the amount due to it changes every year as the program does a percentage rate based on a figure. Hope this helps.

    I can say I have been with Canyon for some years now and have always been treat good and payed fairly. Upper management does looks out for its offshore employees unlike most companies I have seen in the past, they understand that its the offshore guys that produce the work, however then again with out there hard work in the office getting us jobs I’m sure it all equals out as it should…

    Just my 2 cents.

    Scott Beveridge

    HARD WORK to get contracts???? I think not!


    HARD WORK to get contracts???? I think not!

    Ask the blokes at the companies with all the systems sitting in the yard.


    I’m with Sedco.

    Scot I agree with most of what you post but think your wide of the mark here.
    Winning contracts right now isn’t easy and is requiring much negotiation with (tight) clients.

    Scott Beveridge

    I’m with Sedco.

    Scot I agree with most of what you post but think your wide of the mark here.
    Winning contracts right now isn’t easy and is requiring much negotiation with (tight) clients.

    I guess I’d better expound on this one… This particular job is a lot of grafting to keep the system going – full on 12 hour day. I guess I was venting there HOWEVER, the "mechanics" of procuring contracts (my true meaning of above statement) isn’t as bad as a full day of grafting…. Especially when orifice folks start asking for not-so-high-priority reports on the system status or act condescending. Golfing and pub crawls (with extras…) are a big factor in getting contracts from these tight-fisted barstewards. NICE!!!


    Golfing and pub crawls (with extras…) are a big factor in getting contracts from these tight-fisted barstewards. NICE!!!

    [abusive content removed by admin]

    Scott Beveridge

    😆 😆 😆

    Murray Blom


    That bit about the old cake hole….. Might be wanting to take that advice yourself there OZROV.

    Just read this morning that our esteemed leaders in the Orifice are off to a client/company golf competition this very weekend…….

    Not that any of us guys who actually get the job done will be invited, they don’t want us to witness the level of debauchery they willing to go to for a contract 😀 😀 😀

    I would also say Scotbeve has been around a damn sight longer than you and has probably spent a lot longer working in/with the office than you.

    You operating the ROV on the Ark with Noah weren’t you Scott?????

    As for Canyon, a lot of folk are waiting to see if they are getting their bonus this year and most of them are making noises about walking if they don’t…… Next year might be a lean year for Canyon in more ways than one…

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