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Career Change – is now the time

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    They say some things happen for a reason, just got the chop from my high flying IT Job, as a keen Sports Diver I am now seriously considering a career change to ROV Pilot/Technician, I appreciate the Market is bad in all Industries right now but would still very much like to keep my options open. Thankfully we dont have any money worries as savings/redundancy could last for at least 5 years. I have a love of Diving so thought this may now be the right time.
    Incidently and really quite by chance my Father in Law happens to be a Director at an Underwater Salvage Company in Asia.
    Would appreciate comments in terms of if the following courses will make me sufficiently marketable, I dont simply want to throw my hard earned money at every course under the sun but those of interest and indeed as mentioned those which will make me more Marketable as a mature , age 40 trainee ROV Pilot/Technician.

    Underwater Centre, Fort William
    7 Week ROV/Technician Course

    IMCA Diver Medic
    IMCA Assistant Life Support Technician
    Air Chamber Operator

    Companies running the above courses not short listed but simply provide the courses I am interested in, any other recommendations/comments much appreciated.



    They say some things happen for a reason, just got the chop from my high flying IT Job, as a keen Sports Diver I am now seriously considering a career change to ROV Pilot/Technician,

    bit lost as to how being a sports diver has anything to do with deciding to become an ROV P/T.

    Do yourself a favour and do some research on this site before asking all the usual questions, you will get crucified by some of the more ‘jovial’ members on this site otherwise. We read the same questions umteen times a week, so you may get some friendly abuse

    Being an ROV P/T is NOT like sports diving… believe me !



    Thanks for reply, of course I know there is no link to Sports Diver and ROV Pilot/Technician, I guess Ive thought over the years of being a Saturation Diver but alas too old to go down that route now. I have of course researched ROV Pilot / Technician role quite heavily, I’m merely asking if courses I have indicated are a good "package".
    I have of course checked out the job situation , the usual 3 – 5 years experience, extensive flying hours required, well that’s the same across any Industry as far as I’m concerned, I figure my age and backround will actually be more of an advantage, that said Father in Law could probably secure me an appointment out in Asia but would like to give it a go under my own steam first.
    Dont worry I’m a big boy , I think I can handle any stick.



    Have you read the ‘rookie section ?’

    If so, you will see that the consensus is not to go to a school unless you want an expensive ticket to the dole queue.

    Send off your CV to the main ROV companies and plug your IT background along with any other relevant experience. Then ring them, and keep on ringing them. Then maybe, just maybe you will get lucky.

    Best of luck



    Thanks PiedPiper,

    Yeah I’ve scanned the rookie forums, does seem that spending on courses is possibly not the right route to take !, with IT backround and a National Certificate in Electronic Engineering I may as well just tart up my CV and push it out to potential suitors..


    Andy Shiers

    So answer to your question………………… I think you will find it hard to get in just now 😕


    Got the Father in Law to fall back on if I decide to go that route, he holds a Directorship at a large Underwater Salvage Co in Asia, though would still like to try and secure a slot through my own initiatives.
    Though like in all Industries it’s not always what you know that counts !


    Salvageman….An HNC is a great qual to have so stick with it, i hear Oceaneering are taking on trainees soon. Which company does your F in L work for.

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