Home Forums General General Board [color=red][size=24]ROV work World wide to Stop on January 8

[color=red][size=24]ROV work World wide to Stop on January 8

Home Forums General General Board [color=red][size=24]ROV work World wide to Stop on January 8

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  • #1195

    To All,

    You might have been following our ROV work Stoppage Worldwide campaign on http://www.rovworld.com ? Please make sure the appropriate people read this e-mail as it could save allot of people any serious problems.

    Now that we have your attention, we are a group of ROV workers who work for YOU. We don’t wish to disrupt business but due to the Oil Giants posting huge quarterly profits and the price of oil coming close to $100 US dollars a barrel, All ROV personnel have been getting ready for a Work stoppage all over the world on January 8th 2008. The ROV crews that will be offshore during this time will be encouraged not to launch there Vehicles until a 25% day rate increase for all levels. When all the ROV operators agree on paying there workers the increase please send us an e-mail to this address or you can make a public statement on your respective websites? When we have heard from all the companies involved ROV crew’s will be asked to go back or continue on with work.

    For all the company’s that wish to reply through this e-mail address, your response will be posted on http://www.rovworld.com so your employees will be able to see what companies are in support of a wage increase.

    The diving industry have done the same tactic last year successfully, you the ROV operator’s just have to pass this increase on to the oil companies. All of our focus is not on hurting you the operators but going for what we deserve to get paid. ROV workers need to be highly trained and skilled people and we should be paid accordingly.

    A copy of this letter will be posted on http://www.rovworld.com so that all of your workers can see that "Oilypipe" is committed and serious about the up coming ROV work stoppage. The group "Oilypipe" is made up of 10 offshore workers and we all have the password to this account and we are all offshore operating your equipment, We have at least one guy on each of the major ROV operators example Sonsub, Oceaneering, Fugro, SS7,Technip, DOfsubsea, Canyon and DMT. We are spread out all over the world, this way we could spread the word more efficiently.

    The other way for us to get the 25% increase would to bring in a Uni0n, like the Maritime Uni0n of Australia or RMT of the UK? None of us wish to take this route as it would cause more problems and hard feeling between the offshore workers and management, That way would also cost us allot more than the 25% that we are asking for.

    Please send this Letter to all your systems and inform all your workers to obey the work stoppage on January 8th 2008, If the oil companies don’t agree to pay the 25% day-rate increase. This is also a good opportunities for all the operator’s to raise there equipment day rates.

    Please support all of your workers if they are forced to carry out a ROV work stoppage.



    Em!! ten guys stop the world in January, Let me think


    Scott Beveridge


    As I stated in another thread sometime ago, there’s no solidarity in this industry. Sad but true. The "i"s" , "me’s", and "myselves" are usually too busy self-impressing to take notice.

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