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Companies keeping yer stuff!

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  • #1062
    Black Dog


    Ewan McKen

    Your Passport belongs to the Government, but you are responsible for it.

    You should have reported it stolen by whoever in Sonsub told you they were keeping it.

    I think much the same applies with a Discharge Book.

    As far as I know the Data Protection Act only applies to electronic records.

    So, if Fugro paid for your Medical, they can keep the paper copy of the Cert.

    Black Dog


    Ray Shields

    Did you or the Company pay for the Seamans Discharge book? As I believe Fugro will only pay for the Seamans card (the Discharge book is in addition to this).

    If you paid for it and it was not claimed back on expenses then you certainly have a case against them for its return.

    With regards to your passport, you should definately report it lost/stolen otherwise you will have problems when your existing passport runs out.

    Scott Beveridge

    😡 😡 😡

    HR departments have stooped to new lows!!! Get a good solicitor and call the Ministry of Interior…

    Ewan McKen

    Just dug out my Discharge Book.

    It states it is my personal property.

    And if my employer does not return it to me I should notify the Registry of Shipping and Seamen, Cardiff or a Marine Office.

    I presume yours will say the same.


    I went through a similar problem regarding my Passport in Qatar. The agent wanted to keep it whilst I was offshore, but I refused and explained that it was not mine to give, but as the named custodian I was responsible for it. This caused all sorts of grief but finally someone saw sense and let me go offshore with it.
    Qatar uses Seamans Books now so the problem has disappeared. Pity that Qatar couldn’t also….disappear! 👿


    A few years ago i worked in Saudi and they (Saudi Employer) confiscated our passports when we arrived and gave them back when we left , no choice in Saudi it is the law.

    They also changed our contracts so we had to work 3 months longer , some of us crossed the desert to Bahrain with no passports and were arrested by the Bahraini authorities who said they got several expats a month with the same problems , we were given new Passports by the UK embassy within 48 hours and flown back to UK.
    I wont ever go to Saudi again.

    Andy Shiers

    This aint slagging in the normal term of events ( James ) 🙂
    The Saudis are Ignorant , Complacent , Arrogant , Hypocritical and plain Greedy Sh"1s 👿 Atleast I am open about it and do not hide behind political correctiveness gone haywire when I say this 😡
    I have unfortunately had the pleasure of their company And I also would never want to go back to Saudi again 👿
    Good they say 🙂 ………………………………….
    Only I wish , that we could throw the barstewards out of the UK !
    Eye for an Eye , Tooth for a tooth 👿
    If they do not wish a church in their country and fire bomb it 👿
    We should do the same in our country and kick the F@#kers out .
    They seem to have a law for everyone else and not for them 😡

    Donnie Cameron

    That’ll get them going oh lost one 😀

    Andy Shiers

    Ha , Pond 😀 How the devil is thee ?
    Heard you have gone Bush 😯 Is this true 🙂

    Donnie Cameron

    Too cold for my old bones in the UK mate 😀
    Definately going south for the winter 😆
    When are you coming over next ❓


    It’s amazing how many ‘act-of-god’ crashes occur that involve cars leaving the road, mounting a 30cm curb, then careening into ‘westerners’, normally pinning the western pedestrians against a wall and smothering their lives. Yes, I have no intentions of returning to that cuntry. 👿

    Andy Shiers

    No alcohol , of course 😯 They don’t drink ! 😯

    Andy Shiers

    As to when will I be Causing havoc amongst the orifice workers , giving the ladies a smile 🙂 The whores even bigger ones 😀 and the Roadways the burning of rubber 😮
    That depends on Lord Lucan 😀
    I heard you have got a semi hard position in the Cuntry and the hotel knows you not by name but your shoe size 😯

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