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Company taking on trainees

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    steve walsh

    The 2-yr course gives you one year of general technology and then you go into the ROV courses. This first two terms include chemistry, physics, math a course in electromehanical and another in hydraulics. I don’t know how beneficial the first year would be. Marine Institute is a part of Memorial University.


    Have you made a list of possible employers? Contact these organizations and ask about their pre-hire requirements, this will save you time and money. I’m not agaisnt ROV schools, in fact I’m putting together a ROV Training Vessel equipped w/work-class system, but it is possible (in the states) to land a job with just electronic/hydraulic background, local college can provide accredited document.
    If you must attend a ROV school, look for one that will promote hands-on troubleshooting skills and assist in job placement; companies hire techs and train them to be pilots, not the otheway around.
    Most companies will invest in the advanced training of their perosnel, and hire someone like me, whereas I bring everyone back to basics…input/output.

    steve walsh

    I’ve sent CVs to most of ther large players. Eg. Fugro, Oceaneering , etc. and several agencies. I would much rather have someone else pay for my training than be out of pocket, especially considering I will still be in the same situation no matter which way I go. No luck so far. I guess most companies are looking specifically for techs, even as trainees.

    steve walsh

    Also, the companies that I have e-mailed about hiring requirement have not gotten back to me, with the exception of Oceaneering in Norway. I was told that they run their own school in Norway but you have to be permitted to work in Norway and speak Norwegian. I miss on both counts.


    Try Sonsub Singapore,

    They will take on anyone who stands at a bus stop never mind a 2 year rov course. 😈
    If in doubt give it gas.



    Oceaneering also have training schools in Aberdeen Scotland, Batam Indonesia, Singapore and Morgan City USA.


    Try Sonsub Singapore,

    They will take on anyone who stands at a bus stop never mind a 2 year rov course. 😈
    If in doubt give it gas.

    I wish it was true!


    Oceaneering hired a guy who installs swimming pools.

    steve walsh

    Which division of Oceaneering would that be?


    What about ex fisherman?


    Mudflap276 wrote:

    Oceaneering hired a guy who installs swimming pools.

    Nothing wrong with that if he’s installing swimming pools for them like those they test ROV’s in.

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