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  • #2620

    Just a thought, why do the Norwegians not have to do any competency’s to get promoted to the next level in the ROV industry, compared to UK/Singapore/South African crew, even within the same company?

    Ray Shields

    Do they not follow IMCA’s very low standards?

    Or maybe they have decent appraisal schemes unlike most other companies.

    Or there.s only 4.5 million of them so they all know each other?


    They use commonsense, works lot better 😀

    Ray Shields

    They use commonsense, works lot better 😀

    A Norwegian with common sense? Now I know you’re kidding 😀 😀 😀


    It’s the joy of being part of the SAFE agreement. Under the same contract is an extra 300 NOK per day for being qualified to isolate HV.
    As a footnote I hear that (unoffically of course) Project Accountants are trying to balance the books by requesting that (cheaper) UK or other non Norwegian crews are used but are prevented in doing so by SAFE. As the UK side has no onion to back us up it we will be us feeling the pinch. It is a distateful way the majors are treating the service companies with the reduce the bill or face contracts being postponed or even cancelled threat. SS7 are the first to try find cheaper manpower and more will follow suit soon.

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