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Home Forums General General Board Congo?

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    James McLauchlan

    I don’t want to break your nice conversation… but as I see some of you were working or even living in West Africa… so maybe some of you are able to answer on my few questions about the Congo (Point Noirre) ?

    Always read the FAQ‘s posted on this website first. There are a lot of Frequently asked questions with answers there. Strange that eh?
    Plus, I’ve now updated the yellow fever advice.

    gr8 asked:

    Can I go to Congo (Point Noirre) with my medicine?
    Yes, but take the doctors prescription with you in case you have to show why you are travelling with that medicine, or in case you need more at any point

    Can I take some food with me (sweets) or water in my suitcase?
    Of course you can take sweets! You can also take water.
    Don’t take cooked food, vegetables or fruit.

    My yellow fever was made 5 years ago… could be a problem with that?
    International health regulations require a booster every 10 years
    Check with your local doctor and ask them. Do it now, not a few days before you travel.
    Make sure you travel with a yellow fever vaccination certificate.

    I have heard that it is not good to take more money with you… better to keep 20-30 usd in wallet, is it true?
    Take as much as you want, but don’t go out at night with it all on your person. If you have two credit cards only take one out with you at any one time. Keep the other stashed away from your other cash. Do not write down credit card pin numbers.
    On arrival, as well as using the hotel safe, spread your cash around a bit. Some in your hand baggage, a bit hidden in the hotel room (don’t forget it when you check out!) and some with you.
    That way if you get mugged when you are out at night you won’t lose all your money.
    Only put a wallet or money in your front trouser pockets.. not back pockets. Split your money up between pockets so that you do not pull all your cash out at once when paying for something.

    Are there any problems at the airport or during the trip on the vessel? If someone would say to give him a few dollars for carry you or your luggage, better give or ignore him?
    Nobody will offer to carry you. Don’t let anyone carry your luggage and you won’t have to give them any money. Walk past anyone offering to carry your bags or ignore them if you are waiting for an agent.
    Before you even leave your country make sure that you have full contact information for the agent at your destination and the agent back in your country. Sometimes agents do not turn up and you must be able to contact them some how. Make sure your mobile phone will work overseas – check with your phone operator that you have international roaming. Before you fly Find out which hotel you are supposed to be staying at. Do not rely on other offshore people being around to help you as you may be the only one coming in at that time.

    Many questions but it will be my first trip to Congo (Point Noirre), I have been only in Egypt, but have an ideai that Egypt is better place than Congo.

    Tip! : Staying healthy and happy when offshore
    Make sure you are on a good day rate… it’ll be the best health tonic in the long run! You will feel sick as hell if you find out you have gone to West Africa for 50%-60% less than the people (from other countries) you are working alongside. Read into that what you will.

    James McLauchlan


    Now that I have spent some time helping you out by answering all your travel questions.. how about you tell us which company are you going out for?

    By that I don’t mean which Egyptian agent, I mean who’s os the ROV company (operator)… eg Fugro, SS7, Technip?


    Always read the FAQ posted on this website first. There are a lot of Frequently asked questions with answers there. Strange that eh?
    Plus, I’ve now updated the yellow fever advice.

    Ok, my bad. Sorry, I didn’t read the FAQ… I was just search the forum for any "Congo" informations and found only old posts, so I decided to ask here in that topic.I will read the FAQ now and maybe find more info about Congo.

    Strange that eh?

    No, it isn’t.

    I would like to THANK YOU for that precision answers for my questions.

    Now that I have spent some time helping you out by answering all your travel questions.. how about you tell us which company are you going out for?

    Yes, I can write a full relation after I’ll back with all the details about my travel, vessel, company name, etc. For now, once again, THANK YOU

    James McLauchlan

    Now that I have spent some time helping you out by answering all your travel questions.. how about you tell us which company are you going out for?

    How to avoid answering a question………….

    Yes, I can write a full relation after I’ll back with all the details about my travel, vessel, company name, etc. For now, once again, THANK YOU

    That wasn’t what I asked. It was a general question, not a request for full report. There is no harm in naming the company (which is probably global anyway) and not your agency, that is why I asked the question that way in the first instance.

    Pierre COLIN

    Hi guys

    Just came back from Pointe Noire 3 weeks ago.It’s fine,I never had any problem in that country even at night in the main street.But never go the the village outside the center town.
    About the visas you can there without any visa BUT you should have an invitation letter from the company you are going to work for.You will let your passport to the immigration and your agent will do its job later.
    There is plenty of good restaurant and bars in town and close to the sea


    Thanks very much Submariner , much appreciated response.
    Will let you know how it goes.



    Be advised that credit cards are not universally accepted in Africa. Mastercard is not accepted at all in Angola or Pointe Noire

    Ray Shields

    Be advised that credit cards are not universally accepted in Africa. Mastercard is not accepted at all in Angola or Pointe Noire

    And given the reputation even if you did get to use one, watch out for lots of fraudulent activity. Especially if you use it on the way out and then go offshore for a few weeks. They can run it a hell of a bit bill with your card details in that time!

    James McLauchlan

    Of course not forgetting the armed offshore security guards employed to protect company assets (by that I mean hardware) against pirate activity.
    Are they still there?

    But other than all that it’s OK really isn’t it?
    I mean it’s improved a lot over recent years right?

    That’s probably why some company managers (safe behind their desk in the Eurozone) feel there is no longer need for the 10% uplift.

    Scott Beveridge

    Uncaring chair polishers – BARSTEWARDS!

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