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Craic or no craic?

Home Forums General General Board Craic or no craic?

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    Remember topics that would get 1 gazzillion veiws per day. Remember topics being locked due to over-popularity? Some do, some don’t. What do you think of the forum now, with regards to being a good craic?


    Sorry, I’m just adding this to clock-up my 100th post! 8)



    You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Don’t you know crack has no place offshore. Or heroin, coke, jellys,Es, etc.

    As for Horseplay, fun, games and other merriment.

    Tsk. Tsk.

    It’s a company requirement that any sense of humour be removed before moving higher than senior tech. For SuperTs, OIM, Company reps etc, an allergic reaction to any laughter is now a pre-requisite.

    This site is only mirroring the general lack of fun and pisstaking now found at most offshore worksites.

    QHSE! They’re the ones to blame! can’t be safe or competant if you’re laughing at the job!

    James McLauchlan

    I’m kind of wondering which old Forum you are on about… The first Forum, started in 2000, that ran under YABB?… or the second Forum that ran under the same system as this one, started about 3.5 years back, but took a hit a few months ago?

    The first Forum (YABB version) was pretty active… the second one less so and this one is even quieter… I would put a lot of that down to the fact that the industry is well busy, many people are working or have been so busy that the last thing they want to do is jump on this Forum and start discussing ROV’s when all they probably need is a good break from the whole game.

    We still have a few people around from the early Forum that ran for about 2 years or so.

    On the topic itself…. I’ll stick my neck out, as per usual, and say that I think the crack (craic) has been pretty much eroded from the game. It used to be fun… now it is way too serious in the so called name of safety. There is a plethora of miserable/serious people around now too… at one time they would have been called β€˜boring bastards’ but the disease of needing to be politically correct all the time has also invaded the offshore game(can it still be called a game?) too, so I doubt if that expression could be used these days either.
    All this has reduced offshore operations to people simply doing their jobs and no more. Very few laughs, no more practical jokes.. as even they are now viewed as terribly unsafe things to be involved in!!
    It’s sad to see it go that way… but the damage has been done.

    Please note
    Original post and poll edited to correct spelling from Craic to Crack.
    Not sure what a Craic is to be honest.
    Also shifted the post from the Lost Contact board into the General board.

    Another note: Please see my later post on Crack/Craic.


    Hi James,
    Can you re-edit the spelling of craic before we get a deluge of Irishmen complaining about language bastardisation! We don’t like it when SPAM’s spell ‘grey’ as ‘gray’, and ‘colour’ as ‘color’. I’m sure the Irish have the same sentiments. Thankyou Mr Webster for being an illiterate SPAM SOB!
    When I said ‘Old Forum’, I was refering to the original format (YABB version). It was a total hoot! As I recall, during that period the ROV industry was very busy, and offshore internet access/facility was very limited, but the site was a ‘must visit’! We were bitchin’ and backstabbing like a bunch of a****n. The membership numbers were much lower than now, but per capita participation was higher. Out of curiosity, what was the aproximate membership when YABB closed, James?
    It’s sad, but I think the forum craic died when the original forum was terminated. Pity we couldn’t keep our old usernames! This is not a dig at the forum administrators as heaven knows how much blood, sweat and tears they have put in. I think we are collectively being turned into old boring bastards by HSE.
    P.S. Found this on: http://www.maireid.com/craic.html
    "The "CRAIC" (pronounced "crack") is an Irish expression for good, fun conversation amongst equals — "the gift of the gab" — "the Blarney" — good story-telling and conversation with plenty of music and laughter."


    My personal opinion is that this industry is so chock full of whining twats crapping on about how their day rate is not enough and generally slamming every company they ever worked for, or ever paid the mortgage on their house, or put their kids in school that there is generally no fun anymore. QHSE or whatever has fuck all to do with it, it is the low calibre of people currently in the industry that are demanding more money without the slightest backing in skills to their demands. Agencies should collectively be shuffling their feet in embarrasment with the dross they are currently shopping around trying to pass them off as Snr PT and Supv….. a frigging joke right enough, now theres a good laugh for you right there guys tee hee its a real giggle alright.

    Pretty much every comment on this whole site is negative and counter productive to actually achieving something worth while and it is evidenced by the immediate bagging of anyone who has the nuts to ask a question on the technical section. Everyone immediately moves in to slag off mode without even considering that at least the guy asked a question, as inane as it may have been.

    Yes i was on the previous site (YABB) and pretty much everyone chipped in and tried to help out anyone that showed any interest in the site or what we do as a living. Pretty much right now from what i can see the only person willing to impart some knowlledge is Ray….and i dont even like his company much… 😳
    I stay on the site because i hope to see an improvement in attitude but realistically i dont expect it.


    ok maybe your right but why didnt you share your answer instead of pm…

    i cant even be miserable noone here (work) understands me but hey get smiled at a lot!

    its christmas time now is the season to be moody grumpy or even sleepy oh wrong story sorry!

    its been a while i but i remember working with a bloke who said he loved his job so much he’d do it for nothing…. he was serious funny thing he was sacked not long after … go figure perfect employee.

    i lost the point somewhere ah well 24hr shifts dont you love em!


    Talk about us old guys grumbling about nippers asking questions especially on a ROV forum!
    If Offdog had asked his Supervisor first about his conundrum beside the pisstake maybe maybe not he would have got his answer instead of ROVwinge having to (Planned Maintenance/Project Manager) his TLA to him and feeling the wrath of the question and then slagging us off after the fact! This is what we are now dealing with regards competant personnel. If you have to use an internet based forum to feel safe from the old guard then you are very much mistaken!

    Software aware old guy who can still read a manual or wait 5 years to become a PT first before asking for more money or position increase!

    James McLauchlan

    P.S. Found this on: http://www.maireid.com/craic.html
    "The "CRAIC" (pronounced "crack") is an Irish expression for good, fun conversation amongst equals — "the gift of the gab" — "the Blarney" — good story-telling and conversation with plenty of music and laughter."

    Blimey… learn something new every day!

    Sorted… πŸ˜‰

    Bloody hell… whine, whinge, complain… etc etc…. Just wrote a long post and hit some bloody short cut keys that shut my browser down… result… post gone… whinge, moan, mutter…. that’ll teach me not to use MS word every time… yeah see.. and I bet you thought all along I could spell πŸ˜‰


    Have we moved onto the Craic Offshore or are we still on the Craic on this website???.

    In my opinionn the craic in both is on a downward spiral. HSE is good thing if you want to go home with all your fingers, but for the shits and giggles it sure put the dampers on horseplay, as " Horsepaly makes us look like c#nts", what happened to the days you could make some1’s boots into a fashion statment by potting some high heels on to them? or put a dead fish or a live seagull in a locker, the old ones where all ways the best, or the Hot Teabag in the back pocket of trainees overalls, I miss them days ( Looks at the leeking control van roof with a tear in his glasseye )

    Let start a campane, the Bring back the Craic campane.

    Got some paper work coming up.

    The Finger

    James McLauchlan


    The polysterene cup full of dried peas suspended by fishing line inside someones locker… just waiting for the door to open again :9

    The .5t shackle suspended on a rope outboard, swinging in and out with the roll of the ship, right next to someones bunk.

    The ball bearing inside the roof panel of someones cabin… rolling around with the ship… no sleep for the unsuspecting individual either.

    The small hole poked into the bottom of the polystyrene cup with toothpick and added back into the stack, three up from the bottom, just sitting there drinking your coffee waiting for that third person to front up and trying to keep a straight face when for once the company rep has decided to join the boys in the coffee shack πŸ™‚

    Also gazes off into the distance….more tears….. Bring back the Craic I say too!!


    Tsk tisk tisk! 😳 James, did a binary savvy bod such as yoursen just admit that you use Microsuck? That’s not a good example to set. Send yourself away to:

    OpenOffice.org is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an open-source project. Compatible with all other major office suites, the product is free to download, use, and distribute.

    Anyway, though the topic has morphed a tad, I myself welled-up at the memories of the good craic we used to have. So next time you are on a crappy run-down vessel with crappy peeps on board, ensure your parting prank is to put a whole cabbage into one of the main ventilation shafts to the accommodation. It takes weeks to work, but the result is well worth it. If you want an immediate affect, substitute one cabbage with a juicy jobby! πŸ’‘
    Please note that this prank will often go unnoticed on most vessels operating in the Middle East, Far East, India, Africa and France.

    Mike Kidd

    I have always thought a fish dragged up from the deep placed in the right position has the desired affect and cannot be DNA tested back to its source πŸ˜‰


    Well done fellas,

    An old thread but probably the best I have read yet. Hope it can continue. πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜₯



    I’m just amazed that LostBoy managed to keep his hilarious wit out of this one!. What a wag πŸ™„ Wish there were more like him…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..not!

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