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Craic or no craic?

Home Forums General General Board Craic or no craic?

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  • #9125
    Andy Shiers

    Now , now my marsupial friend 8)
    I just thought I’d allow some other bravado dare-in do’s to take over the fire line 😀
    There’s no need for digs in my general direction as I did stop taking the Kanga’ out of you and thought this was a reciprocated arrangement 🙂

    Scott Beveridge

    😆 😆 😆

    Silver nitrate (or is it nitrite), but not too much… in the two, 3, or 4 water kettles. Workboots (of the guys off shift) "softly" glued to the floor in front of every toilet /shi**er /squatter, after locking the doors and crawling out under (if possible) each and every common toilet (don’t forget to lock the private ones as well), sit back and watch the fun as it goes over the hand rails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Andy Shiers

    😆 😆 😆
    I had to laugh , just thinking about you trying to extricate your girth from under the shitter door ! 😆
    Try placing shaving foam in big dollups on either side of someones head whilst they are asleep and tip-toeing out before they wake 🙂
    Or just before someone has the laborious task of doing a crew change by boat landing and having to climb up the steps from the spider deck to the helipad on top of the platform – place lengths of steel or shackles in the bottom of their bag……………………………….Baron ! 😡 @#&!!##~ !


    I thought you’d appreciate the free exercise, Lastboi. I was also hoping that there would have been a security baggage check.

    Scott Beveridge

    Lostboy wrote
    I had to laugh , just thinking about you trying to extricate your girth from under the shitter door !

    Yeah, yeah, rub it in …. But one usually knows the weight of his bag…

    Andy Shiers

    Aah , But you not be knowing about the good ship ‘Gangrene Cockroach’ 😯
    There be a tale to tell 😕
    Not having weighing scales on board is only a fraction of the things mysteriously missing 😯
    Oh 😀 And a Panda drives the boat 😆
    Baron and Temp know what I mean 😀



    Would you care to expand on LB’s last post. Sounds like there may be a story there somewhere 😈

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