Home Forums General General Board Cygnus ROV mountable thickness gauge – request for images

Cygnus ROV mountable thickness gauge – request for images

Home Forums General General Board Cygnus ROV mountable thickness gauge – request for images

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  • #3079
    James McLauchlan

    We are looking for images of any Cygnus ROV mountable gauges fitted to work class ROV’s offshore. In particular the 3000m version (comes in a stainless pod as seen below), but any other units such as the Cygnus -1000m version (black pod) or Mini ROV units would also be welcome.

    The manufacture has sales images, but we are trying to compile a group of images of Cygnus ROV products fitted to working ROV’s offshore in the real world.

    Please email images to: webmaster @ rovworld . com

    Mention which vehicle the Cygnus gear was fitted to.
    Where/when would be good also, but not a requirement.

    Your assistance in this will be appreciated :tup:

    best regards

    James McLauchlan


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