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D2 Electronic Solutions – ‘PS2 USB ROV Tooling Controller’

Home Forums General Interesting Websites D2 Electronic Solutions – ‘PS2 USB ROV Tooling Controller’

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    D Squared Electronic Solutions specialise in the design of bespoke electronic solutions, ranging from a single board to a full system design.

    The company has a history of design experience across many sectors, ranging from the Amusement and leisure industry, pharmaceutical, to the Offshore sector.

    We have recently launched a new product, the ‘PS2 USB ROV Tooling Controller’ aimed at the ROV sector.

    The unit allows control of a various array of tools attached to your ROV, from 5-function manipulators, pan and tilt units to boom arms and cutters using an off the shelf PS2 style gamepad.
    Can easily be incorporated to an existing control system leaving the original control method operational.

    Supplied with both a wired and a wireless USB Logitech controller giving up to 10m range.

    for more information regarding the controller goto:


    To watch a short video of the controller being used on an SMD Quasar goto:


    The unit has 2 modes that cover every tooling need. The main mode is used for a standard configuration, controlling a single 5-function manipulator and 2 pan and tilt units. It also has an auxiliary mode that gives the unit full control, allowing you to easily program any tooling function to the control pad. Both modes have separate banks of outputs allowing you to switch between various tools using the one controller.

    The unit also incorporates a couple of handy features:

    It has an ‘Invert’ feature that allows you to invert the vertical axis of the manip and pan and tilt units. This is to accomodate different peoples preferences, i for one like the vertical axis inverted where i know other people do not.

    It also has a ‘Jaw Semi-lock’ Feature. This feature automatically locks the manip jaws. To unlock a ‘Jaw Unlock’ button has to be depressed whilst operating the jaw. This prevents accidental operation.

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