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    hi im just posting this message because i have just been made up to sub eng lately and to be quite honest i dont really have a clue what im doing!
    i’ve been doing the job 3 1/2 years now and i can safely say i dont think ive learned enough in that space of time to merit the position im at.

    i was just wondering if there is anyonelse in the situation i am because quite soon im going to be out running nightshift,i could’nt run a bath let alone a shift!

    hopefully theres other people out there like me!!!

    thank you for your time ladies and gents!

    sean h


    I would contact Trout for some good info !

    James McLauchlan


    Do you know what? You’re honesty is touching. Hopefully you will get the support you are looking for.

    In the meantime, if you have been offered the slot, take it and grow into it.

    If anybody fancies taking the piss… send me a PM.

    Good luck

    and best regards
    James Mc

    Scott Beveridge


    You definitely would not be the first one!!! I mean, we’re talking about hundreds of instances!!!


    SSDD?? – Hopefully you’ll have seen most of the crap that can go wrong – they’ve got you on a system you’ve plenty of hours on?? Just means that now you have to take a more prominent role in managing the system maintenance and fault finding !

    I hope they have substantially increased the number of duckets they hand over at the end of the month to you !! Relax and contemplate the amount of them that you’re going to hand back to don brown and his gang of no-good hoods.


    Thanks for all the great advice chaps, I’ll try to avoid leaving myself signed in on a system computer in future, you never know who’s swimming about.

    Scott Beveridge

    OR join the droves of guys who’ve left yur lurverly country!!! Here’s to the tropics!!!

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