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Discussing Operator/Agency requirements

Home Forums General General Board Discussing Operator/Agency requirements

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  • #1528
    James McLauchlan

    There has been a trend forming in this Forum which I would like to get to the bottom of.
    It’s not so much what is actually being said is a real problem however, my greater concern is I feel we might have lot more employers posting in the Forum if they did not have to put up with what almost amounts to verbal abuse (happened recently and the posts were deleted by admin) as a result of them posting.
    All they are doing is adding job adverts. If you would rather that didn’t happen here with no section for jobs to be advertised then that can be arranged.

    What’s this all about?
    I cannot figure out why, when an agency or company takes the time to add their manpower requirements in the correct section, people jump in and start picking the original poster (OP) apart for one reason or another.

    For sure I can understand people wanting to warn off potential employees/day raters based on previous bad experiences but, no one company ticks all the correct boxes as an employer so, it is a pretty pointless exercise IMHO trying to pick up on small inadequacies if the overall job/rate is likely to be OK.
    Who gives a damn is a new manager was at ‘x’ company and is now at ‘y’ company looking to fill slots. As long as the job fits along with the money then that should be enough.

    Can I suggest that if a company posts asking for CV’s or offering positions that we leave it at that unless there is a real need to respond in the thread. Those that want work can send off what they wish and be done with it.

    If you are in work and know the company then posting, just to show you know who it is or where they may have worked previously, is most likely irrelevant as far as the work on offer is concerned.


    What’s this all about?
    I cannot figure out why, when an agency or company takes the time to add their manpower requirements in the correct section, people jump in and start picking the original poster (OP) apart for one reason or another.

    I must agree with this.

    When I log on I see the usual responses from the usual suspects…FFS don’t you guys have a job to do? If you spend so much time on this site and responding to posts when "working" it’s no wonder the rates don’t go up! – people do notice when timewasters spend all day on the ‘puter believe it or not. 🙄



    I also agree a polite response would be best …..OK i KNOW WE ARE MOSTLY CYNICAL B*ST@*DS who dont trust most employers or agencies but lets give them a chance before verbally abusing them. 😆

    Andy Shiers

    If you spend so much time on this site and responding to posts when "working" it’s no wonder the rates don’t go up! – people do notice when timewasters spend all day on the ‘puter believe it or not.

    Well I’m off shift 😀

    Scott Beveridge

    Hmmmm… some people stay logged on… 😕


    Simple………………….. 🙄
    All Agencies , put ya jobs on the site .
    Who wants the Agency , Where is it , How much , Is it door to door , When do we get paid ? Every two weeks or at the end of the month ? What type of vehicle and what is the job ?
    Pretty simple questions that are always asked prior to going on a job !
    So , If the Agencies want a quick response and C of V’s which is a persons’
    Personal life put on a few pieces of paper to be scrutinsied by strangers ! 😯
    BE HONEST and put the answers down first to the questions above 8)
    You will get more takers for jobs I would think.

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