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Diver auditions for new job!!

Home Forums General General Board Diver auditions for new job!!

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  • #1231

    [url]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=GrHGbH7k87o 😉


    That’s In FW, I remember the NDT Structure


    Well spotted!

    Taken last summer, just got round to posting it!

    This one’s quite interesting too – http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=PygILWIUDsM

    J Deans

    Glad to see FW training is as most people expectations of it – teaching divers to dance.

    They probably have a unit on how to download porn for the ROV guys as well.

    Really worth the several thousands of pounds you have paid them!


    Yeah, that’s one take I suppose. Another is to see it for what it is, a bit of light relief and having checked out most of your posts I see that you are living up to expectations and being negative about everything.

    Positive role model – keep up the good work 😕


    Nice one Dingbat, I’ve got a shot clip of a Sat Rat doing the macarena (I think thats how you spell it but I’m an old git so I wouldn’t know), I’ll have to get around to posting it. Still, on the sort of money he was on I’d be dancing too!!
    Not been on here for a while. last time had a good chat on a post about ‘the craic’, bit of fun, levity,…..Dino, you’re in Brazil, get your arse down to the beach in Rio, drink in the lovelies in their little bikinis and smile, chill a bit or get a sense of humour transplant.
    As a matter of interest and possibly balance, all the best porn and bootleg programs I’ve ever been given has been from fellow ROV jockeys worldwide and fine men(and women) they were/are. Except one Sub Eng who was trawling the net for Rhohipnol (I think thats how thats spelt but I’m not a f**king chicken shit pervert so I wouldn’t know) who I advised if I saw him anywhere in Sussex near my daughters, I shoot him on sight. And I’m actually quite a nice person. I just don’t like c**ts.
    My apologies in advance if I’ve offended any of my female colleagues with what may be construed as sexist comments.

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