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Does anyone work for Sonsub??

Home Forums General General Board Does anyone work for Sonsub??

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    James McLauchlan

    The best thing about working for Sonsub is (was?) the people they have offshore. There’s the odd idiot, but on the whole its a good, competent bunch, who know how to do the job and have a laugh.

    Agreed. I spent a couple of years with Sonsub Abz (Med and GOM)… through an agency.

    But have to say they were good times.


    I think you should write a book , Oldschool
    You’ve completed the first chapter all ready

    Lostbouy, I thougt that was a complete "novel"???!!! ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ™„


    I worked for Sonsub and got out of there the first chance I could. They donโ€™t care about their people at all, they like to starve people out on the beach when the work is slow and their work is slow. Every boat they have is docked in Fourchon with nothing to do, all have been crewed down. Their flag vessel in the GOM (the Chloe Candies) wonโ€™t be theirs much longer. They donโ€™t have the work and they have tried to screw Candies over so bad that theyโ€™re not going to let them have that boat back. Everything over there is a mess, its hell when you try and get your money raises or expenses.


    Thanks for all the info guys,
    working for SS7 we are also expected to turn our hands to everything, part of the game, if you dont know how to do something then ask questions read manuals and find out, not much fun otherwise.
    are there still companies who dont multitask ??

    thanks again ๐Ÿ˜ฏ


    Me, I think you are talking about Sonsub Singapore while Rovbionic is talking about Sonsub Aberdeen. Different animals, same skin.

    Here Here! Abso-Fu**ing-lutely!!!

    Singapore mob are the headless chickens of the ROV industry. Never worked for the Aberdeen mob, but heard they are ok, I know the two never really communicate either.

    Scott Beveridge


    None of Sonslugs orifices have communicated with each other (or with the guys offshore) except when they could make profit off of the other regions’ office (s) re: bodyshopping.



    None of Sonslugs orifices have communicated with each other (or with the guys offshore) except when they could make profit off of the other regions’ office (s) re: bodyshopping.

    I stand corrected-er.



    passed through Singapore the other day. Managed to do a bit of ear wigging at Bernies Bullshitters Bar and grill. between copious quantities of the amber nectar

    Couple of old sonsubbers there crying into their san migs and lamenting their lack of employment. Seems S.S are staffing what few jobs they have with some of the guys that have only been there a couple of years and the op’s managers relations and the old dogs are left sitting on their bar stools at bernies

    well at least they seem to have reclaimed the bar corner from Canyon. I’ll have to bring a few of my colleagues along next time i’m in town to rectify that Although the whinging would probably be too much for them .

    The interesting tidbit i picked up was that Sonsub and Hallin have been booted out of thier workshops. Seems fugro pulled a master coup and bought the whole building. So they got 2 ROV workshops and booted out the competion in 1 master stroke.

    hmmn wonder where they will go. will this mean a lack of a sonsub presence at bernies bullshitters bar and grill?

    seems it has effected Sonsub’s profit margin and they have had to withdraw the new truck. Apparently it was only hired anyway? Guess that will mean all the likely lads will be back to 3 on a bike again. Hell those guys are hard cases. i used to piss myself watching them going down to loyang ,3 on the bike , complete with an arm full of cables and hydraulic hoses.

    shame the hallin guys aren’t in Bernies in force ,cause i never picked up anything on what they will now do without a base?

    oh well Ta ta for now, i’m back to sunny Labuan (guess i’m 1 of the lucky ones with a job)

    Scott Beveridge


    There’s no luck involved here… It’s either / usually: a.) a company needs you to go out and fix a mighty farqup made by less-experienced crews, b.) people going out for cheap / low-balling c.) one of the blue-eyed boys / ops. mgr. pet

    I’m usually in the "a.)" category

    Don’t low-ball

    DEFINITELY NOT ops. mgrs. pet (see my rants, scathing diatribe, and verbal diarreha (sp. is crap here))


    Rigwash, here may be your answer to what you never heard!!!



    hey Kalbo,
    awesome, thanks for that link. You would never get so much detail from Bernies bullshitters bar and grill. (the chatter usually deteriorates into old tales of debauched adventures on ancient runs ashore)

    actually if i wasn’t already off to Labaun with the Red Rascals, i’d be thinking seriously of giving Shane a call at Hallin. Wow? looks like they are going places. i did hear at B.B.S .B & G that they have been building their own vehicles as well? hmmn (are they any good? …anybody?..)
    hey thanks again very enlightening.

    Nah, not really a, b or c mate. I think it really is just a bit of luck cause i see better guys than me still on the beach and i’m still getting a good rate and fellatio dosen’t really appeal to me, unless i’m on the recieving end..

    how about you? you picked anything up yet ? that Hallin Marine looks ok , what do you reckon?


    Sonsub Sing still has same telephone numbers and the move to new office will be completed 3rd week in May:

    31 Loyang Crescent

    Admiralty International Building

    Singapore 509013

    The old office was at 35 Loyang Crescent


    isn’t that the same bldg they have been in last 5 years? (admiralty international?)….?

    actually olschool, i always thought their office was " bernies bullshitters bar and grill"


    Hallin are have a lot of teething problems with their home made ROVs the idea was good but the execution and use of cheapo components and some poor enginnering has caused some people to lose face … of course Hallin wont admit it and i guess they will get it right eventually in the field……. oh and Sonsub still owe me money for a job i did last year ! &rseholes!!!!!

    Scott Beveridge

    Nah, not really a, b or c mate. I think it really is just a bit of luck cause i see better guys than me still on the beach and i’m still getting a good rate and fellatio dosen’t really appeal to me, unless i’m on the recieving end..

    how about you? you picked anything up yet ? that Hallin Marine looks ok , what do you reckon?

    Hee, hee ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜† Never had to put on golden kneepads either… But that elusive flat-top midget still needs to show up….

    Working regularly but it’s a chore to haggle now. Got a hook and line from Hallin but I think I scared them away…. That’s all I can tell you about them…

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