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Does anyone work for Sonsub??

Home Forums General General Board Does anyone work for Sonsub??

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    The disappointing thing is after over a quarter of a century with S7, now on Construction side since I-Tech created, is that about 80% of the guys who leave S7 always seem to come back within a couple of years. Probably why I never bothered changing, though I have frequently worked on joint projects with other companies. The things I have seen have generally reinforced my belief that whilst S7 are not the highest paying employer, they generally treat personnel pretty well and have a good benefits package.

    It is a shame that they do not allow I-Tech Personnel to move to S7 Construction, but I guess that if they did, there would be no-one left working for I-Tech.

    Probably the best advice I could offer is to go and work for an Agency and then get an application into S7, or submit it with your I-Tech resignation, but be prepared to go and come back a few months later. They seem to like doing that, always have done, but you’ll get more money when you return, another bizarre little S7 foible!


    i believe the thread was " anybody work for Sonsub"

    not " anybody work for S7"

    somebody mentioned the taiwan recovery job and using another vehicle that sonsub singapore staff might have no experience on.

    well it’s just old innovator 5. nothing much different there for any of those singas sonsubbers ,as they have been using those control systems for some time on there rebuilt triton and discoveries.

    i don’t think that excuse holds much weight for not using there regular guys.

    how about some of you sonsub singapore dudes. Anybody thats actually still on their books and presently on the beach got anything to contribute to " does any one work for sonsub?"

    maybe the thread should now be " anybody STILL working at sonsub"……..will the last to go, please turn out the lights…


    No your right, did not know it was an Innovator, just heard when it was build it was a 500HP sub, now down to 250HP


    I believe it is Sedna not Innovator.


    It is the Sedna


    From my latest report it has had a fair few teething troubles. Glad I ain’t there… Flexjet, Sedna, Djarno etc are all a pain in da ass…


    What I don’t get is why they use burial equipment for a oil recovery job. πŸ˜•


    Sedna is no longer a trencher – hence the 500 hp down to 250 hp thing.

    It was rebuilt by the italians as a testbed come heavy work class for one off jobs – such as the oil recovery work and the sircos pipeline tool.

    the orignal post in this topic was someone looking for information on sonsub as he was thinking of leaving SS7. As such, phoenix’s comments were entirely relevant. The comments regarding the lack of work in asia are less relevant in this particular topic.


    Does anyone work for Sonsub ?

    Good question..

    Well it appears that not enough people do work of Sonsub (or they don’t stay) cos I have had three agencies contact me today about work for them..

    FDS, Bourbon Trieste and the Normand Cutter.. Malta and Egypt..
    Olympian and Innovator work.. Had to say no.. But seems they are the only company hiring… That must say something ?


    Well, until recently I did.

    On the beach waiting for the next one.

    And I cannot comment on office politics as I’m an offshore guy not even having crossed the threshold of Bernies ( do go to Bambooze on occasion), nor would I want to, given the dearth of current opportunity.


    deeps and djansen,

    just discovered another possible reason nobody much is working at sonsub

    got a mail from ukps to go to africa for sonsub. travel at only 60 percent day rate.
    they have to be joking , when did they start that shit?

    lucky i have something better

    but i mean really, they can’t really want people that bad and only offering my old rate from start of 2008 , which now looks pretty shabby due to exchange rate and compared to the usd i am on now.


    They tried to do that a couple of years back but it got shut down fast when all the guys refused to go..

    My mate had call from UKPS about work in Egypt for Sonsub.. Was told don’t expect good dayrates this year πŸ˜† And I also heard a rumour that they are backtracking on their loyalty scheme with some agency fellas by making it harder to qualify.

    They have d a huge turnover of bodies usually. Guys go for one trip on the Saipem vessels and then never return.. (Sonsub boats are a better bet) Guess when it’s busy why suffer Saipems poor attitude ?.. But if it’s quiet I guess there are a few guys who have to put up with shite they don’t like purely to get the bills paid… I’m lucky enough to be able to say ‘no thanks’ up to a point but I will reach the tipping point eventually where it will become necessary to work.. Right now I’m gambling that either work will pick up or a job with a better condition vs pay ratio will come up.. ie If dayrates don’t improve I’d rather work on a nice vessel with decent equipment and fun crew rather than suffer shite food, poor accom and a depressing atomosphere.

    I don’t mind hard work, mobs, reterms and breakdowns if the crew is good and there is a good atmosphere onboard.. A trip passes quickly and you have a sense of acomplishment and job satisfaction.. Compare that with sitting around with little to do or having little input into how the work is carried out meanwhile putting up with a bunch of numpties or guys you have little in common with.. That makes for a long trip whatever the dayrate is…


    Worked for Sonsub Aberdeen last year and was paid full rate door to door through an agent based in Aberdeen.

    I was offshore with other day raters from other Agents and i am sure UKPS was short changing the guys with travel rates.

    Dont work for UKPS and why would anyone if they dont pay Door to Door full rate.

    The rate for Pilot Tech for Sonsub is GBP 345.12 this is the rate now and GBP 366.36 For Sub Eng was paid in 2008 the rates as far as i was concerned are the same on most agents working for Sonsub.

    I am also aware there are about a dozen different positions though.

    They also pay 10% for West Africa Bonus and i was told end of 2008
    that there was a 11% on top of that 10% if in Nigeria.

    Sonsub Singapore well forget them all together.

    Not sure why they need send mails out in April Looking for day raters for Mid June though?




    Yea, those rates are Ltd Co. too so PAYE is less – Β£325 for sub eng.

    I worked for them a few months back and was paid door to door but I wasn’t going through UKPS either. If UKPS are telling guys rates won’t be good this year then it’s time to move elsewhere. I’m seeing similar rates and in some cases much better rates than last year and I still push for more. The particular Sonsub crew, system, vessel & job I was on was perfect and it was an enjoyable trip but they’re not all like that.

    Been contacted by several agencies for Malta, Egypt, Norway work but they can keep their appallingly low rates……

    Just worked alongside S7 guys from Oz and they’re on Β£550 as tech up to Β£750 as supv – that’s more like it πŸ™‚ They do have the unions on their side though.

    Stay Safe



    Agency Supv rate is 407 quid and some change… No uplift for Egypt/Malta etc.. Looks pretty poor.. Even DOF were offering a bit more than that and they have decent vessels.. I’ll stick with Technip πŸ™‚

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