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Does anyone work for Sonsub??

Home Forums General General Board Does anyone work for Sonsub??

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  • #19732

    That rate is pants, I can get that as a pilot tech. No wonder some companies are struggling…….



    My thoughts exactly ! But the agencies insist it’s ‘the going rate’ 😆

    To be fair it isn’t that bad compared to one other company who recently offered 370 to Supervise a contruction job.. They seemed suprised that I declined… 😆 😆 😆


    No….it’s not the ‘going rate’ – it’s the rate Sonsub are paying which is why no-one (experienced) will work with them.

    Agencies should tell Sonsub ‘why’ guys won’t work for them so they can address the situation. Unfortunately there’s always someone who will accept the rate and as long as that happens then there’ll be no change….and I dare say many agencies don’t tell them why guys are turning them down.

    Stick to your guns on the rate you want. If you’re good then companies will pay.

    Stay safe



    Well I’m guessing that the HR Dept are just deaf.. Because from what my mates say (who work direct for Sonsub) they have a never ending stream of useless numpties turn up on the jobsites. None of which can fly to a high enough standard and seem to have very little in the way of exp or ability.. Just bodies to fill a bunk… These same guys complain to their office about the quality (or lack of) the guys being sent. But if ya pay penuts….
    Of course if they hired decent guys at a decent rate they would have to put up all their guys pay to match…

    Funny all you ever hear from companies is them crying about ‘the lack of experienced’ personel but when confronted by one they don’t want to pay for him… "we’d rather employ a couple of cheap useless types cos they are cheap 🙄

    Just wish other experienced guys would push a bit harder for pay and not tolerate guys who can’t perform their work to high enough standard..

    But as usual that comes back to the ‘solidarity and teamwork’ debate…

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