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England needs……

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  • #16355
    Andy Shiers

    Well 😕
    You do have Highland cattle 😯

    Ray Shields

    They’re the wrong height….

    Andy Shiers

    Rabbits then 😀

    Andy Shiers

    With salmon tied to their backs 😀


    I thought once you got north of Aberdeen inter-family marriage was the main excuse for a party.

    As apposed to the Welsh who stick to inter species errotica.

    Long live the English we just stick to drinking beer and remembering the good old days of the empire.

    We showed Napoleon we did.

    Andy Shiers

    Ole Boni 🙂
    Yep 🙂 we sure put the Frogs in their place 😀


    Getting back to the original post by K2 on 02 Mar 2008, attributed to John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia.

    Can K2 tell us when and where John Howard said this? He hasn’t been the Prime Minister of Australia since 03 Dec 2007 when he handed over to Kevin Rudd after his defeat in a federal election on 24 Nov 2007.

    Another email hoax?

    Andy Shiers

    I admit I received that same email , personnal like , about three years ago , I guess………………………… It took alot longer to receive it in the chain 😕

    Andy Shiers

    No , K2 is not an alias of mine 🙂
    He’s foreign for starters 😀


    Now who went and mentioned sheep?

    we haven’t got any work out of the Aussies here since the post. They are all agitated and aroused. There is a queue here to get on line as they heard there was a picture included in the post

    Andy Shiers

    With boots 😀


    Long live the English we just stick to drinking beer and remembering the good old days of the empire.

    Maybe you should spend a little time reading some history books and less time drinking beer and spouting off nonsense!! In particular the part Scotland had to play in the "empire".

    Andy Shiers

    Er 😕 I think it’s you who should read up on your history DingBat 😯
    I hate to admit it as I am English , but , If it was not for the Skirted Jocks scaring the life out of man and animal alike , we would have not had an empire 😯 It was the Jocks that ‘Carried the fight to the enemy’ In the battle of Waterloo and it was also the Jockenese Battalion that put down the revolting Indians in India 😀 and I believe they were also influentual in Carving up Eygpt with their claymores under General Gordon 8)
    Ah Yes 🙂 Jocks in Frocks ……………….. Scary as hell 😈

    Ray Shields

    Yes – just remember that factually correct documentary that was made:-

    Carry On Up The Kyber

    A right bunch of Burpas they were…


    Yeah that is all true the good old Scottish did lead the way into battle on many an occasion. I think it was an Englishman in Whitehall who told them to though.

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