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England needs……

Home Forums General General Board England needs……

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  • #16370
    Andy Shiers

    Of course 😀

    Andy Shiers

    The English are not THAT stupid 😀


    Yeah that is all true the good old Scottish did lead the way into battle on many an occasion. I think it was an Englishman in Whitehall who told them to though.

    Obviously a case of " too much history channel watching". If you look under the surface and past the battles ( of which statistically more English, Welsh and Irish fought than Jocks) you will find how instrumental the Scots were in securing, building and mantaining the Empire. Without their (on average) higher levels of education, insasiable work ethic and vision old blighty would have floundered many times in it’s aim to control world trade.


    ah, the onion…. 😆

    Andy Shiers

    They have ‘Layers’ 😀

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