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Eyeballs, twitchy no!!!!!

Home Forums General General Board Eyeballs, twitchy no!!!!!

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    Andrew Macbeth


    New to here, av been in the game now for 3 years in may, am now a workclass supervisor and am in Dubai on my first eyeball job. Its a seaeye falcon.

    I thought ad give the eyeball game a go c what like. And by god r they not F1 cars subsea!!! Even on min thruster power!! Am doin diver support, so platform inspection as built surveys etc, and its taken abit of time to get used to it, av done around 1200 hours consrtuction and drill support but these things r leathel!!!

    Anyone else in the same boat lol


    [Anyone else in the same boat]

    Oh yes!

    90% of the guys on here think they are ‘Gods gift’ and full of sh1te! You’ll fit in well!


    Well Tin Chicken you get stuck in there me lad 😀

    Workclass construction Supv in just under 2 1/2 years, Wowee !! you must be some whizkid or have family in the company, even these days the amount of experience gained to make you fully competent as a decent Sub Eng would take you at least this amount of time, notwithstanding having the experience to deflect flack from bolshie Lumpsum Technip client reps while fixing the ROV in the pissing rain / snow / hail / howling gales in darkest NNS.

    I remember those days fondly 😀

    Cant wait to see where you will be when you reach the grand old age of 5 years in.

    ROV Manager I expect. 😯

    Andrew Macbeth

    Jesus u guys like a dig eh, its night shift super so its a sub eng really!! And if u boys had done 298 days ur first year and 309 the second year u would have as many days, therefore have the expeirence!!!! 😆

    Ray Shields

    Jesus u guys like a dig eh, its night shift super so its a sub eng really!! And if u boys had done 298 days ur first year and 309 the second year u would have as many days, therefore have the expeirence!!!! 😆

    Quantity does not unfortunately always equate to quality though.

    Andrew Macbeth

    And why cant someone b a night shift super in 3 years, it wasnt just me that made me a night shift super, ever thought that the project managers and clients thing am good enough to b one. I was told this website is full of TOO5ERS and a can c them now.


    I agree totally Rovkid, this site should be renamed Ego’s R Us. I spent many years working offshore in the drilling sector prior to becoming involved with ROVs and I think it’s fair to say that the ROV industry attracts more than its’ fair share of arseholes.

    Ray Shields

    To TRY and get back on subject, yes – Eyeballs are a lot more responsive then Workclass. You have a much smaller mass with bigger thrust to mass ratio.

    This is why you get Eyeball pilots and Workclass Pilots. There really is such a difference between the two, it does take a bit of getting used to. You have to "use the Froce" a lot more with an Eyeball.

    The advantage is when it comes to fixing them, you just lift them up and walk into the workshop!

    Paul Bond

    You must have mega muscles Ray – a Seaeye Tiger weighs 150kg, a Lynx is 200kg and a Cougar weighs over 1/4 of a tonne!



    Andrew Macbeth

    Its a seaeye falcon am on so u can lift that we thing up no problem 😆

    Only like 75kg. Its totally different to fly, quite funny sometimes, u can do a 360 on turbo mod in like 2sec flat lol.

    This job is draggin on al little now though, was told on the 15th of january it was a 3week job, the 17th of febuary and av just been told am here till the 22nd of march now 🙁 Typical!!!


    I know of a heavy workclass system that carries a small eyeball in its dirty work package. The crew of the workclass system flies the eyeball as well. Useful for tree and BOP landings as they can give a 90 degree opposed view of the landing. The eyeball is tethered to the workclass and uses the workclass telemetry for control and sending the picture.

    Ray Shields

    Same here, Im out on a Falcon, s’great to take it inside to fix it 🙂

    Andrew Macbeth

    Yeh I used an oceaneering magnum and a spectrum in nigeria with the spectrum underneath it, it was a massive set up, with the cage and the spectrum skid, then with the cursor on top for launchin, if anyone has been on the DWD Mag57 for oceaneering they wil no 😆


    am just starting third year am still techII and very happy to be one , i have had the pleasure of working workclass and eyeball and enjoyed both wether being cover head to toe in hydr oil from 7 function, in the pissing rain .

    Watching the supervisor walk into the shack with his coffee , tripping and pouring it all over PCB and fibre mux in pod , oh what fun.

    some people see this job as a way to get rich and dont care if they know what they are doing, would you employ a butcher to come and build your house NO!.
    But if trainees are keen to learn from there supers (supers keen to teach ) it should take at least 6-7 years before they should sniff at sub-eng .
    my super 16 years in and he still finds new ways to fix probs he’s never seen B4.

    EYEBALL envy is big prob with workclass boys ,we all get same rates of pay this issue should be dealt with but never will .

    Does seem to still b alot of tools on here but i have worked with load of great boys thanks to all who put up with all my questions at stupid oclock in the morn, its always a pleasure learning from you.

    have great days stay safe

    C U ALL in another 3 years maybe tech I by then

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