Home Forums General General Board Eyeballs, twitchy no!!!!!

Eyeballs, twitchy no!!!!!

Home Forums General General Board Eyeballs, twitchy no!!!!!

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  • #22030

    As the last post started "off-topic" …should perhaps have been posted in the Safety forum under "Why Jonah has poor promotion prospects" what with spilling hyd. oil everywhere and laying out trip hazards in the shack for the supervisor!

    Eyeballs are definitely more fun to fly and generally a lot more pleasant to work on but it does take the right person for the job … I’ve seen several instances where damage was caused by an over – enthusiastic clanky on these subs and that’s only on the surface. What they are doing anywhere near electrons I’ll never know!

    On the other hand sometimes it just has to be a work class just for sheer lifting capacity and to keep the oily ones happy! 😉

    Andrew Macbeth

    it should take at least 6-7 years before they should sniff at sub-eng .
    my super 16 years in and he still finds new ways to fix probs he’s never seen B4.

    C U ALL in another 3 years maybe tech I by then

    surely u will b a sub eng by then!!!!

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