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Female ROV pilot caught in the Act !

Home Forums General General Board Female ROV pilot caught in the Act !

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    Maurice Onuoha

    Idel mind they say is a devil’s workshop. Don’t you lads have much to do. Do something constuctive and leave the opposite gender alone. 😳 👿

    Craig Conrad

    Hey ROV Bionic I’m pretty sure the female ROV Tech you are refering to is from Nova Scotia, just because a person is from the East Coast of Canada does not make them a Newfie, far from it accually!!


    they persuaded her to do their laundry, ironing and tidy the control shack.


    where are you o lost one????? 😉


    The lost one has left the building(last weekend). I’m sure he’ll find his way back, then promptly get lost again.

    Andy Shiers

    Grrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetings Party poppers 😀
    At present working for the Wooden tops 😕
    I know , I know 🙄
    I said I would not work in their waters but …….the money………..was too………………Good …………….to ………….resist ………….. 😯
    F#!king cold 🙁
    AHhhhhhhh , i remember the days of shorts , Loose women , warm beer
    Nahhhhhhh ! Think aboot the money , Think aboot the money 😯
    Nice food ………………..Nice cabin ………….Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm 😀


    I just knew you would sell your soul in the end. 😳 If I attach photo’s of safety flip flops and sun cream would that sway your current moral turmoil enough to bring you back into the fold? Saying that, I’m sure you are sick of carrying trainees and untrainables, for peanuts! 🙄 😆


    lostboy, have you picked up my panther then – last I heard they were looking to upman more people -they were struggling I think???

    Andy Shiers

    Nope 🙂
    I am doing an audit for Acergy
    To be honest , I dunna think I would go back to 905 as it still smells of CCC 👿
    You might have done a good job on revamping the old girl but it would bring back memories of how it used to be 😥
    The system would never be the same 😯
    The family have broken up and flown to pastures anew 😕
    Still it was a blast while it lasted , aye Baron ? H2 ? Rovsuper ?
    Think aboot the money 😀 think aboot the money 😛


    we call her 905-Plus-lite now. (she’s only missing the extra four thrusters but packing the body cage!!!).

    It’s going back to the desert now I think for another 3 years of suntan. Mission complete.

    Have any of you heard of the whereabouts of G.D? "He’s missing…." was the last I heard.


    Aye….many a fondled memory was had with that setup. We used to have such a good craic, as surveyors were plentiful, pliant and such fun to play with. I don’t ever recall being pranked back, or even remotely owned by a surveyor. Now, I find they are far too boring(even by their own boring standards) to even attempt a bit of japery on. They get upset and phone papa surveyor on the beach via sat phone to complain about the unruly ROV types. Maybe they spent too much time at uni doing filler courses like Statistics 101. 😈

    Andy Shiers

    If you are refering to Gordon Duncan ( Lobotomous Big headous ) 😯
    Last I heard , He had done a runner ( MIA ) on a contract in thailand 😕

    Andy Shiers

    And yes Baron von stick , We did have a good piss taking session with the surgayors 😀 You could actually take them into the fold so to speak because you felt sorry for the them 😥 They could actually take the crazy stunts we shoved up em 😆
    Now all they want to do is mumble , stutter and tell on you 😯
    Such is life 🙄

    Scott Beveridge

    If you are refering to Gordon Duncan ( Lobotomous Big headous ) 😯
    Last I heard , He had done a runner ( MIA ) on a contract in thailand 😕

    ARRRGGGH…!!! Mr. I’ve-rewired-several-Scorpios / farqup-things-and-go-home / my-Sgt. Nop-in-Nakorn-Nowhere-will-take-care-of-me G. D.??? Still breathing / wasting oxygen / in this biz??? Probably wasn’t a runner… More like a run-in with maximux liquidus passedus outus.


    our surveyor decided that MSBL is now called "virgin seabed" and he kept on asking for virgins whilst we were sitting in a norwegian trench.

    I think there is something lost in the translation to english.

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