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Female ROV pilot caught in the Act !

Home Forums General General Board Female ROV pilot caught in the Act !

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    Andy Shiers

    Give me dollar 😡


    mercenary ! 😆 ah, maybe that should be the motto on the rovworld coat of arms??

    With scotbeve’s club anthem…. "this is my rov, there are many others like it but this one is mine"…. 😆

    maybe, this should be the founding stones of an ROV Onion.

    Scott Beveridge

    mercenary ! 😆 ah, maybe that should be the motto on the rovworld coat of arms??

    With scotbeve’s club anthem…. "this is my rov, there are many others like it but this one is mine"…. 😆

    maybe, this should be the founding stones of an ROV Onion.

    Uhh-ohh! have I started another mis-guided cult???? 8) 🙄


    heh heh heh, to be honest I’m not sure if it was you that posted it. I couldn’t find in the forum search. 😀

    Andy Shiers

    It was Baron Von stickitupum 😀
    I have visually seen his Goose stepping anthems 😯
    Complete with Redwing Rig boots and Knee high Kharki shorts 😯


    What ever happened to Chris Paris and Vera Yap?


    Thai restaurant in Naaaarrrrfuk I believe……but that was a loooooong time ago. Lastboy is your man to ask.

    Andy Shiers

    Chris and Vera emigrated to Canada .
    They have two sprogs and Chris has to stay and work in Canadian waters to keep his green card…………………….. Much to his disgust as the Canadians pay ‘Diddlesquat’ on rates 🙁
    He still has his dry wit though 😀


    😯 Green card…..in Canada?! Ye gads!! Have the Americans sneaked into the true north, strong and free, while I was away? 😯

    Andy Shiers

    Okay wrong word or rather right word wrong cuntry 😀
    Wot I meen is he az to work in ez own cuntry or uverwise he carn’t stay in it 😯
    Anyway I thought because you are cousins and joined at the hip you had the same deal over there with visas and stuff 🙂 You talk the same twang 😉 Except you of course with a delectable Birkineeeeeeed enunciation 😀

    Scott Beveridge


    Don’t forget the "eh"!!

    Murray Blom


    Brought tears to me eyes that did, reminiscing about the good old days with CCC, the pub crawls, the pleasure cruises, the days off lying in the sun around the pool, the expressions on faces in the mornings when some people tired to bite their arms off to escape (you know what I mean)……

    All on full pay as well…… C. was a different sort of ops manager wasn’t he, almost human!!!!!

    Can’t seem to remember actually doing much work….. remember setting the network up in the mess so we could pay some sort of sniper games against each other….. Don’t think we could ever get you notebook to play ball could we lostboy???

    True true, a different breed of scurveyors in them there days, lived in ore of us they did…… Think I can even remember one or two of them getting their hands far enough into their pockets to find their wallets and buying a round!!!!

    Still the good times have moved to another part of the world, even if you don’t like the LBFM’s PBR Baron, the beer isn’t that bad is it??? Why oh why would you go to Noggy land lostboy when you can enjoy the warm clime’s???? Oh that’s right decent pay……. Well you can’t have everything.


    PS sorry for the late reply was busy moving and no time to read threads.


    well I do have a female classmate (polish, diver, mini-sub pilot) in my FW ROV Pilot/Tech and she’s really good and fucking smart! you might see her in action since she already have a job. 8)

    J Deans

    Has she been taught how to make the tea and warm up the beds of the rest of the guys on the course?

    Might as well make her training realistic…

    Black Dog


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