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Flasher for an eyeball

Home Forums General General Board Flasher for an eyeball

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  • #1469
    Stephen Black

    Anybody recommend a small flasher suitable for use on a Falcon

    Scott Beveridge

    Same folks who’ve essentially cornered the market for years…. Novatech

    Ray Shields

    Novatech? Aint seen one made by them in years. Lots of other companies out there making them now.

    In the UK, try Bowtech.


    Scott Beveridge

    Novatech? Aint seen one made by them in years. Lots of other companies out there making them now.

    In the UK, try Bowtech.


    Had 3 (or was it 4 ) Bowtechs flood – and yes they were put in what they were rated for / serviced properly. Might’ve been for one time, a knock and leakage – type situation though.


    JOTRON are very good, made in Norway i believe, i have one on my bcd for scuba diving, no probs, and its been to 50 meters!! (not that i remember much as i was narked out my heed) !!!

    Scott Beveridge

    JOTRON are very good, made in Norway i believe, i have one on my bcd for scuba diving, no probs, and its been to 50 meters!! (not that i remember much as i was narked out my heed) !!!

    That explains many chapters….. 😉

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