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Fort William? Global Marine?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Fort William? Global Marine?

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    Hi I’m nearly qualified as an electrician and really want to get into ROVs once I’m finished the electrical. I was going to book onto the 3 week course up at Fort William before everyone on this site started slagging it. So what’s the best way to go? Is Global Marines course any better or should I just be trying to get my foot in the door with one of the big companies as a trainee off the back of my electrical trade?

    Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    Ray Shields

    Always try with what you have first, you never know. Have a read through teh FAQs (link over on the left) especially the how to lay out your CV one.

    However if you are saying you are only just getting qualified as an electrician I take this means you will have no actual work experience of doing the job? Or have you been doing an apprenticeship? You really need qualifications AND experience. Remember several hundred other qualified and experienced people out there are all after the same job as you.

    MTCS course seems to have good reviews.


    Thanks for the feedback. It’s a four year apprenticeship I’m doing, so I do have work experience but probably very little of it is relevant to ROVs.

    Ray Shields

    As an electrician quite a lot of it will be relevant to ROVs. All ROVs use electrics to power them either for instruments or for propulsion (or both).

    Power distribution through switchgear, transformers, ground fault equipment etc.

    Alex Kerr

    as a spark to trade myself, I would suggest that you get your time out and enhance that with some relevant experience before jumping ship into a new game,
    If the ROV game is your ultimate choice I would suggest some trips offshore (which you will be unlikely to get at this stage in your career, unless you served your time in oil and gas [which i was fortunate enough to do]), or another route would be moving into test and commissioning, or even as an industrial service tech. These routes would serve the ROV game well, and make a cv much more appealing to any company.
    I know time is a b**ch when you are waiting for it to pass but if it is well spent while it is passing it will pay dividends in the long run. 🙄
    Working life is not a sprint its along haul. 😉

    OH dear! I’ve just realised I’m turning into my father!.— I’m going to bed now!


    I finished my course with Global Marine in March and start my first job end of May thanks to them pointing me in the right direction. The instructors are genuine and very experienced and the kit and facilities are v.good. They don’t just shut the door after the course and wave bye bye – they keep you informed of job offers and offer advice if needed .

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