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Global Marine

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  • #1433
    Alex Kerr

    Maybe, joining Global for a short contract.
    What’s good, what’s bad, etc- answers on a postcard!—– No, f#%*-it!, answers on the forum – 😉 😆 😆


    I worked for them for nearly 6 years and wouldnt hear a bad word against them. Still have all the luxury’s such as bars on every ship…..make sure you pack plenty of going ashore gear as you probally wont leave the queyside unless you are being sent to Portland……in which case enjoy 🙄


    As long as the day rates ok………………………….


    Where are you off to? Seems these days that all the ships are pretty busy, far cry from the old days! Been out most of this trip and we’re a long way from Portland…………………………
    What are you up to Tony? Met you in Boreham in 2001 then didnt see hide nor hair of you.
    As you say its still a nice place to work!




    ‘wouldn’t hear a bad word said against them’ 😕 Here’s one: salary 😆

    I hear they are contemplating dabbling with an AUV and treasure hunting…….kiss your bonus good-bye!!

    Spark, you’ll have a great time, just don’t mention day rates in the bar as you’ll be on more than the skipper and ch-eng…. 😆



    Whats the crack with global now. I did a couple of agency jobs for them about 7 years ago. Agency day rate was ace at the time as well as all the other previously mentioned perks.

    Are they still decent payers for agency workers and if so which agency do they take people from now.

    Seemed like Rumic used to supply the majority of Global agency staff back in the day.



    I beleive their preferred personnel supplier is Subservpro although I’m not sure on rates when going this route.

    Rates I’ve heard offered by working direct were £315 a day as sub eng. Needless to say that was turned down…….hardly surprising when sub eng can get £370+ elsewhere…..




    They are an antiquated lot, pretty much stuck in the Cable and Wifeless days (when I joined) full of beaurocracy and bo!!ox like a lot of other big outfits and don’t seem to quite make it when it comes to competetive contract winning like the more agressive firms.
    But…they are a good place to start i.e fill your boots with as much training offered and try to get some hours on the stix…if you ar e are allowed into ‘the circle of trust’ 😉

    Rumic were the favourite supplier and a few I know were on a damn good number, sat at Portland on standby, supping G ‘n T’s raking in a pretty good day rate in theose days.

    Russ…SServe was a kinda offshoot from GMSL that they sold I think to Mayday Recruitment then it chnaged its’ name to SSPRO
    WeeSh!te – Bad word…Multiskilling 😆

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