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Guess where….

Home Forums General General Board Guess where….

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  • #2740
    Mark DuPriest

    1. trainee A was handed a ratchet with socket installed and told to add the extension also handed him since he did not know beforehand what an extension was and tighten a nut…..he stuck the extension in the nut end of the socket and turned……and turned….until I could not take it anymore 😥

    2. trainee B was handed a ratchet/socket and requested to tighten a different nut (simple access) he placed the socket over the nut, levered the ratchet then at the end of that stroke lifted the socket off the nut to repurchase instead of using of swinging the ratchet back….. 🙄

    3. trainee A was requested to turn off the water of the garden hose he was using to keep the TMS electric mtr. cool…..he attempted to do this by sticking his finger in the end of the common garden type twist to stop/spray hose nozzle succeeding only in getting himself and others showered….he continued until told to stop….. 😆

    hint: rat on the menu

    guess where?….




    Arnold Clark – Aberdeen Volvo??

    Wade Berglund

    At least they are trainee’s…not Sub Engineers!


    Oceaneering India ❓

    James McLauchlan

    Mercedes Benz, Algarve, Portugal!

    Wade Berglund

    I would say Asia…somewhere in South China Sea!


    Seen similar scenario in China:

    Two recent university graduates 1 x Mech Eng, 1 x Elec Eng as trainees

    Self hands over screwdriver to afore mentioned and asks them to remove cover off winch JB while I grab a brew.

    Return 15 minutes later, cover still on JB WTF!

    Turns out both of these brilliant products of the Chinese academic system did not know/could not work out how to use a screwdriver!

    Scott Beveridge


    Mark DuPriest

    Egyptians \ Indians eat rat?

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