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    Hey all, after you guys have convinced me that the training schools are nothing but bullshit, and that no way they would teach me how to fly an ROV in only 3 weeks, I decided I wouldn’t waste my money on such course, and with being an electronics engineer with some hands on experience and with knocking on lots of doors, I might have a chance…my question is: what position should I apply for? I mean if I applied for a ROV pilot/tech trainee, why would they hire me while I’ve never even seen one in my life, flying one. After think about it, can’t I have an internship on one of those ships to just get familiar with the ROVs, or maybe offering myself as a FREE trainee, would it work?


    The only thing I’d say about the oil industry is that very little actually falls into your lap. You need to go hunt for yourself. Persevere.

    Have you got an offshore medical/survival certificate yet?

    Ray Shields

    Hey all, after you guys have convinced me that the training schools are nothing but bullshit, and that no way they would teach me how to fly an ROV in only 3 weeks, I decided I wouldn’t waste my money on such course, and with being an electronics engineer with some hands on experience and with knocking on lots of doors, I might have a chance…my question is: what position should I apply for? I mean if I applied for a ROV pilot/tech trainee, why would they hire me while I’ve never even seen one in my life, flying one. After think about it, can’t I have an internship on one of those ships to just get familiar with the ROVs, or maybe offering myself as a FREE trainee, would it work?

    Firstly what part of the world are you in? If you are over in UK/USA part of the world, virtually company will take you on for free. You must be an employee or their liability and other insurances will not be valid. If you are over in the Far East, the same thing will apply for all the big players though I do not know if any of the smaller companies would take people on for free, I very much doubt it.

    Secondly – traditionally NO-ONE has started in the ROV industry with ROV flying experience. Even if you did attend an ROV training school at most you would generally get 10 hours of flying – is the cost really worth having 10 hours?

    Also, the job is PILOT TECH, the flying part of the job is just something you learn on the job. Its a part of the job not the job itself. The majority of companies take people on for their Technical abilities. OK, you make not have worked on an ROV before, but if you have the technical knowhow or experience, a machine is a machine.

    The position you will be applying for is a Trainee Pilot Technician. Even if you could get a chance as a Base technicians job for a company with ROVs, that could also be a shoe in.You have a job plus you get the experience of maintaining and fixing the equipment. Which would go towards any further ROV Pilot tech job.


    Savante,i havent yet but i planned where to take them,but i have a question to ask concerning this,is the medical/survival certificate has something to do with BOSIET..Hey Ray,i’m from Egypt,my uncle works in Halul in Qatar and hes the one who told me about the ROV career,i was planning to take the Fort William course but after what i read in here ,taking the course over there is a dumb thing to do, now i’m planning to take the medical/survival courses and revise some electronics and read on some hydraulics and then start spreading my CV everywhere…am i on the right track or do u have something for me ? , and a question to ask,if i got a commercial diving course with 2 star CMAS ID,would that help gettin a job offshore,i know i’ll have to choose from one of them both at last,but would it help,and is the commercial diver pay rate higher than the ROV pilot pay rate,if both are still beginners ?….thanks Ray & thx Savante

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