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Hallin Marine work

Home Forums General General Board Hallin Marine work

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    I’m not totally new to this game been working for Sclub 7 last 5 years, been offered a position at Hallin Marine as anybody worked for these people, and if so are they any good.

    Scott Beveridge

    Do you know where you’re going to work? (In what region of the world?).

    I heard the pay might not be on time… Anybody else heard this??


    Hallin is run by Mike Arnold (ex Rovtech) and has also, a good set of lads in the office as well. I haven’t worked for them but I haven’t heard anything bad. Mainly work-class but maybe branching into other things….


    Done a couple of jobs for them this year (ABZ office) through proffs and they were ok to work for. Decent bunch of guys working for them, mostly ex ROVtech. No prbs with paying on time. If you are going to be working on the Quasar systems tho be prpared for a main lift re-term every 40 dives or so. The situation with ubilical will remain as is for about 8 months untill the contract in India is completed.


    Done a couple of jobs for them this year (ABZ office) through proffs and they were ok to work for. Decent bunch of guys working for them, mostly ex ROVtech. No prbs with paying on time. If you are going to be working on the Quasar systems tho be prpared for a main lift re-term every 40 dives or so. The situation with ubilical will remain as is for about 8 months untill the contract in India is completed.

    Ha Ha!
    NSW umbilicals – won’t say I told them but…

    Decent bunch ofc haps, nice new kit and most of the bugs ironed out this year.


    my father is currently working for Hallin as Sat Diver. Seems like they’re ok 🙂

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