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Hard beds and no comms.

Home Forums General General Board Hard beds and no comms.

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  • #13510
    Scott Beveridge

    I think it is STAR in disguise 😯 😯


    Nah, that would be Squirts!


    Where you at now dude?

    James McLauchlan

    The direct attack on one of our Forum members, by SQUINTS, was deleted by me. The responses you see below are to that now missing post.
    Just to make sure there are not any misunderstandings… it was not Pondlife that was on the receiving end of the abusive post by SQUINTS.

    No mate!
    I just don’t appreciate personal attacks when hiding behind an alias.
    Or come to think about it don’t really like personal attacks. Don’t see the need for it.

    depends on if somebody is a complete tosser or not

    That has nothing to do with it at all… The rules are very few but very simple.

    It’s been clearly said, often enough, that direct attacks via this Forum are not on. Yet you just go ahead and do it. What’s that all about?

    Do us all a favour and back off… or don’t post if you can’t do so amicably.

    Donnie Cameron

    Well done James!
    It’s just such a pity when this site and indeed our industry is dragged down into the gutter by small minded individuals.
    Those that contribute in a positive vein are the real pros.

    Andy Shiers

    Hear Hear 😀


    I suspect it was Star also. The puerile gibberish was pretty much his signature. 👿


    i dunno, normally star ends up in fits of swearing and accusations of asbos!! 😯

    It’s like you can almost see him screaming at the computer as he types !! Nearly incoherent !

    How’s it going star? Keeping off the diala/coffee blend ? 😆

    Scott Beveridge

    i dunno, normally star ends up in fits of swearing and accusations of asbos!! 😯

    It’s like you can almost see him screaming at the computer as he types !! Nearly incoherent !

    How’s it going star? Keeping off the diala/coffee blend ? 😆

    What else would we expect from a lad with an AKA such as Star. I’ve never received a PM by him as I had requested from him many times (re: to find out his real name). Star??? 🙄


    With hardley anytime left in the forces, its come to my attention that your actually better off in jail!!!
    Ive been away for 70% ( The usual training and tours!!) of the year and now face a fine for not having a TV licence in camp!!
    Even though I have one at my home address where my wife and kids are who I hardley see… to top it off there are 90 rooms in my block and five such blocks on camp and as each room has a lockable front door that means a licence for EVERY room now mulitiply that by the total number of camps in the country!!!
    However, if I was an asylum seeking,drug tacking child murdering sex pest living at Her Majesty’s Pleasure (at the cost of all the other good citizens in the UK) I could watch as much T.V as humanly possible in a 24hr period and still manage to afford cigarettes and drugs…..WTF!!


    What about all the Cloggies, Belgiques and Froggies that get BBC without paying for a license, albeit an unsolicited service. I love grey areas, except on me noggin’ of course! 😯

    Andy Shiers

    I thought you woz just going bald 😆

    Ewan McKen

    I’ve never received a PM by him as I had requested from him many times (re: to find out his real name). Star??? 🙄

    Why should he tell you his real name?

    Are you a Hot Chick?

    Scott Beveridge

    I’ve never received a PM by him as I had requested from him many times (re: to find out his real name). Star??? 🙄

    Why should he tell you his real name?

    Are you a Hot Chick?

    Nah… but he (Star) would wish so, nothing else to do but slag us real working stiffs… It was a challenge to him for a Brass cajones check. The silence is deafening! No skin off my nose, he’ll be displaying his worth offshore…


    just silent cos am letting the yakee doo nuthin do the talkin .. if i bother you so much why bother talkin about me..oh it so nice to get the attention ha ha pathetic.. i been adding to this forum about other things yet you seem to be obsessed by me scotbeve.. what a guy you are !!! grow up BOY 😳 🙄 🙄 go make that yee ol coffee and scrub the deck whilst your at it!!! 😳 😳 😯

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