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How many ROVs in the world

Home Forums General General Board How many ROVs in the world

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  • #3093
    Donald Faulds

    I have been looking for an article that lists approximately the total WROVs operating. Anyone got any ideas or a good article reference? By WROV I mean 100hp or over and built since 1990.
    I think there must be over 2000?


    Dont know how accurate this is but it gives you some idea


    Donald Faulds

    I don’t believe Douglas Westwood reports (can’t afford them either) – these are the guys who said the world needed 400 AUVs over the last couple of years!

    I was hoping someone might have checked out actual fleet numbers at Oceaneering, Canyon, Fugro etc. maybe not.


    Our all-time high quarterly ROV profit performance was attributable to achieving a record number of days on hire. During the quarter, we put 11 ROVs into service and retired three. At the end of September, we had 243 vehicles in our fleet, compared to 223 a year ago.

    OI fleet

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