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How many ROV’s

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  • #16975

    I am bored thats all.
    MTQ Singers is no more, but heard that another Singers company startet making swift ROV’s
    wwooowwww, 250 ROV’s OI, i gonna work for them then, i like big numbers, must be the place to be, working for a big company like OI


    Quantity is no relation to Quality 😆
    OI subs are the modern equivalent of British Leyland Motors ie Junk 😉
    Remember, they are just a evolution of ISE kit ie Trec, Trov, Hysub, Hydra and hey presto! Quantum, Magnum and Millenium. all Peesh. Good for honing your fault finding skills though 😆


    Think you will find out more like 60% drill support and the other 40% construction .as in why would you have loads of charter vessels for drill support as in normand installer ,bourbon jade,edda fijord,maresk achiever,vissolela,etc etc etc and theses are just in Angola ,i will grant you they dont do the big construction projects like Acergy,and Sclub,technip,etc etc and not sure i can comment on the subs not enough experience yet its all been mags+ and mills+ i have worked on they do the job and have helped out the so called better subs on more than one occassion as there sub couldnt do the job (its true)think what happens is they do the drill support supply field support and commisioning the fields in the long run there is always gonna be drilling going on and OI have this market well and trully sorted ,but there aint always gonna be big time contruction jobs

    i think OI getts to much bad press i will grant you they cant organize a piss up in a brewery but i suppose thats because they are expanding all the time and i suppose as far as rates go its what your happy with that counts ask me again in 5 years when mortage rate goes through the roof and got twinns on the go and mrs wants 3 hols a year 😮


    I was kidding about getting a job with OI, i have a job, and i have heard to much about them to want a job 😉 😉 😉


    Me, I did spot the tongue in cheek reply 😀
    I also wondered how long before one of the OI bunch piled in to stick up for them 😆
    Oh by the way, If all of the OI Mags were put into the water at the same time, I reckon a oil slick of Exxon Valdez proportions would happen 😯


    If i dont get a job soon i am going to work for them.


    yep i know perry is the way to go but they would not be able to keep up with the growth of OI rov dept as they have been looking at other vendors for winchs,A-frames,subs,and no one can keep up ,build the subs in house and its money for old rope ..instead of other comps buying full systems for how many millions and they have to get them working soon as to get back threre mons they have invested and you know as well as i do perry,couldnt keep up ,OI have develeoped a7 function arm as they cant get them fast enough from schillings for the subs ,if its any good god knows ,but thats the state of affairs i mean 40 complete new systems world wide in year is a lot of work ,i have saw your wonderfull sub and it is first class in looks ,specs,tooling size accessabillity unlike got to have hands a japanesse woman to get in to some parts of a magnum,and then they get no feed back as whats good on the sub whats shite this needs fixed i mean they must be getting better now as they have made 165 of them lol every single one of the diffrent -which in my book is wrong but thats what they have to do

    all i want to know is how to get my psp back from the grave again so i can stop vewing this topic through boardom


    40 new subs a year is all well and good.
    Where is the personnel to operate them??


    Aye your right, nae bodies!! all of the experienced guys are being tied up on good deals. Plenty of trainees around though 🙄
    Regarding the latest Perry subs ie TXLX, watch this space as none delivered have been used in anger yet. Going to be lots of teething problems ahead.
    The first job is on a Technip job, ie, are you fixed yet, are you fixed yet, are you fixed yet blah blah blah 😆
    I would personally have went for TXLS instead and let someone else iron out the bugs.


    i can tell you fugro have 10 rov’s in total and there all shite,

    does that help you any me????

    Ray Shields

    i can tell you fugro have 10 rov’s in total and there all shite,

    does that help you any me????

    Which Fugr? There are a lot of Fugro companies in the world most with ROVs. There are a LOt more than 10 owned by Fugro worldwide.


    Listen to Trout he knows what he is talking about, on all subjects. You tell ’em Big Trout Man


    cheers sean!

    your the first person whos ever said that!would you like to go out on a date sumtime?


    Sorry I’m taken for, but I’ve got your number

    Scott Beveridge

    If i dont get a job soon i am going to work for them.[/quot

    Uhhhh…. yeah, right….. We are talking OISIN, yes??????????????

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