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How many ROV’s

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  • #17005
    Andy Shiers

    Yes , But they are still a crap company to work for 😀


    😆 😆 😆



    That is right Hallin have athe SMD vehicles just like TS Marine. They are not to bad after four or nine trips you start to get used to them.

    They have a lot of really good ideas on them but what lets them down is the really bad ideas which they also have on them.

    Obviously the designers beleive in the pleasure pain theory.

    But on a good note most of the work is outside of the UK and the containers are not dog muck coloured like Fugro’s.


    I know what you mean. Worked on one of SClubs SMD hybrids recently. Some nice SMD ideas and some shockers, some nice Sclub bits and some silly ones.
    Nice cabins with the oh-so-subtle signwriting!

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