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Home Forums General General Board Hydrovision

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  • #3015
    martin mackenzie

    Hello is there anyone out there that knows anyone that worked in Hydrovision’s technical department, as am looking for some advice on a Hyball logic board. Cheers Martin

    Mike Kernaghan

    Maybe try SonaVision who are/were supporting the Hyball. Failing that SMD should be able to help you out although I am not sure if there are too many Hydrovision guys still there.


    Alex Kerr

    not sure but may know a guy who could help, pm me for his contact details, 😛


    Maybe Gearymeister can help you. He recently commented this Youtube movie. Subscribe to Youtube and try to contact him through the PM option there.

    Chris Geary

    hi, a colleague of mine told me I’d been mentioned on this website so I signed up.

    Re. your logic board problem. Feel free to email me details and I’ll do my best to help. chris@nautilusacoustictechnology.com

    I’ve just set up business on my own. Sonavision is no longer the service centre for the hyball. So I’ll do what I can to help.

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