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Home Forums General General Board I came across this article !!

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  • #24122

    The Australian school is run through the TAFE college there so must be government recognised.
    Those wishing to attend have to apply with full CV and application letter, and as Scotbeve says applicants are vetted, if you do not have the proper quals and experience then you are not accepted, (My mates son was an apprentice bricklayer and didn’t get past the 1st hurdle. I did hear that the applications are checked for suitability by industry managers from Canyon, Sonsub, TMT, Neptune, S7 etc etc. I think Neil Forbes (Technip) was something to do with it, (The course may have been Technip sponsored).

    The number of courses never seems constant, so possibly set by industry demand, in which case it has probably packed up shop at the moment. Not much call for trainees.

    Interesting fact about my mates bricky son, he applied to the phillipines and FW both said he was suitable with all the right qualifications!! – Robbing Ar@@@@@@s)

    It should be reinforced that it is relevant trade skills that get the job. The course may assist those with relevant trade skills to find suitable employment and it certainly will give them a good insight into what they are getting into. ROV Training courses do nothing for those with no relevant quals or experience.

    Paul, your work training those suitably qualified should be commended but Shame on you for training those that do not have the relevant industry requirements, you are well aware of the applicable IMCA guidelines !

    James McLauchlan

    Paul, your work training those suitably qualified should be commended but Shame on you for training those that do not have the relevant industry requirements, you are well aware of the applicable IMCA guidelines !

    I have to concur with the quoted extract above and thanks for the overall update on the Oz training side :tup:

    Anybody applying to FW (or any other school for that matter) that are not from a suitable background should be stopped at the door from proceeding further.

    It simply is not good enough to take a non technical person, stick them on a course for a few weeks, give them a PTII ticket and send them packing.

    The example of the trainee brickie being refused a place in Oz but accepted by other training schools is a classic example of how private self regulation is not the way forward.

    Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against a bricklayer, carpenter or a waiter (they are probably very good at what they do) but they have the wrong background to be ROV techs after a few weeks training and they are certainly not needed offshore when a team of three has to keep a work class system running for 12 hours solid, meal breaks included!

    Years back you would be laughed away from the door of an ROV company if you were not time served as a mech or sparky. God knows how the idea of people from non tech background getting into ROV came about.
    In the past you would rarely have been presented with someone that couldn’t use tools and if you were they were run off!

    If there are non tech types (as in the example given by Excableguy) knowingly being accepted and trained, and hard evidence is produced, it will be allowed to be highlight here at ROVworld.com

    Ray Shields

    Was this a method of concealing or burying my survey results? Interesting to note that the Forum Moderator, is also called Rayshields!

    β€œLies” is a dirty word Ray – and a serious accusation.

    Hopefully this will convince you that the advice you give (incessantly on this website) about not paying for ROV training courses is wrong (at least with respect to The Underwater Centre). You give lots of good advice on other subjects with which I agree, but please don’t give bad advice to rookies regarding this subject.

    As James explained (as HE moved the thread, not me) it was to start a new topic as the one the discussion was about Subnet. If you wish to think that we have been deleting messages of support, we will not be able to convince you otherwise, but it is untrue.

    And as you may now realise, I did not accuse you of lies (thanks to Savante for explaining whose quote it was I have given ("Lies, Damned lies and statistics" – Benjamin Disraeli (former British PM).

    It will not convince me that the advice I give is wrong be it for the Underwater Centre or any other ROV training school.

    If someone was to survey all people who get a job in ROVs – how many of them get the job WITHOUT having attended an ROV training school?

    My advice shall continue to be you firstly need a technical qualification and experience background to start in ROVs. With that, apply for jobs. Having attended a training school WITH this relevant background MAY assist in getting the job, but I’m sure that you don’t need to do a survey to see that the majority of people joining the ROV industry do so WITHOUT having attended such a school. Therefore apply for the job before laying out a considerable amount of money first.

    They get the jobs on what should be the number one important point for all new personnel – a GOOD technical background.

    Andy Shiers

    I’ll add my meagre pennies worth in as well .
    If Someone asks for my advice on ROV schools ( Plural meaning not just Fort willy but alll of them and including Willy up in Scotland πŸ˜€ )
    Don’t waste your money !
    Don’t believe all that the Brochure says 😯
    Job interviews at the ROV company will usually weed out the stupid and bloody useless ( Either that or the Personnel involved in the interviews needs to be sacked ! ), A three month probationary period will test the waves in common sense , team spirit and whether they have a notion of what to do with joysticks ! then they can be put through "In-school" courses applicable to What type of vehicle the Company operates ! THEY ARE NOT ALL THE SAME !
    Is it really that hard to see ? Or are people too stupid to undersand what type of Industry we work in ?
    You ROV schools are NOT helping the industry , You are certainly NOT helping me or the ROV teams by flooding the market !
    You are not Helping the ROV Companies with a little ticket saying they have an IMCA stamp on it , You are NOT helping to improve the quality of ROV technicians , That can Only be done offshore , "On the Job"
    I instruct ( Not teach ) more in one day offshore than you do in a week Subject to ………..
    1/ The actual contract
    2/ The Particular ROV
    3/ The Particular problem or fault and the rectification .
    4/ The relevant paperwork that needs to be filled out ( Subject to the Individual company’s set-up.
    All the ROV schools do is line their pockets with niave peoples money , It’s not helping us but purely 100 % making money off the backs of others .
    I’m not instructing the team that I work with but supervise in my capacity to get the job done but welcome to criticism as I do not have all the answers , Its called teamwork and I do NOT charge money for it 😯 You do !
    If you want to learn more , Do a Hydralic course or Electronic course at College or open university , Thats what they are there for and they are cheaper to do as well . That’s helping yourself by grasping quicker WHEN you eventually go offshore what needs to be done 8)
    Common sense and a sense of humour is what I look for straight way in a new trainee , Having a grasp of Electrikery or how hydraulics work is very handy and I do not give a toss whether you have been through a "ROV" school or not You either have it or you don’t , If you don’t I’ll tell you and then you can go and spend that saved cash you have on something worthwhile .
    Trainees with ROV schools cert going through an agency is also a load of bollocks , Un professional and a handicap and a headache to the team ! But I won’t go down that road as it’s steering away from the orriginal subject and James will tell me off πŸ˜•

    Scott Beveridge


    Why the farq do you bother with such an expansive reply to such a simple ongoing (for farqin-ever) problem in this industry FIRST MEANT FOR AND DEVELOPED FOR QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. Get the bloody plonkers in a numbered queue have em’ take an entry test like a uni. or college, and then see what da’ farq happens… Oh… wait….. who’s daady has more money??? Ya’ fergot to mention that in yur quite justified rant!!!!

    Andy Shiers

    Why Thankyee Scott for bringing that detail to the moot !
    But it still does not change what I said ten years ago , or five years ago or last year before the so called recession hit 😯 And the Oil companies lost "profits" but NOT lost money ! 8)
    Excuse or not , to cut backs or down sizing a team / workscope or drop in price when asked to tender for a contract πŸ˜•
    ROV schools are not helping our Industry ………..they are ruining it πŸ™
    And People willing to come out from foreign countries at third the price or "trainees" willing to come out for NOTHING to get the experience πŸ™„
    I hope they screw up big time 😈
    Makes me look better πŸ˜†

    Scott Beveridge

    Sorry you bleedin’ stoopid companies but I agree with Lost 100% as well…. you will farq up again and again (ad infininum). Train your OWN FRIGGIN" people. IMCA is an absolute shite excuse of a paper Tiger. Get bloody real or see a shrink! (Ahhh… late night rant…. yawn….. good night). AND LOST, I believe we said this at the beginning of the esteemed pages of this forum – – – – Gina? Any of our old rants = this? Can we dust off a few bytes?

    RETIREMENT looks better by the day…. Fly casting? Spear? Or "rice" net fishing????

    Andy Shiers

    I hear the price of Rubber has dropped πŸ˜†

    Scott Beveridge

    I hear the price of Rubber has dropped πŸ˜†

    We can sit on it and wait….. guess I’ll hafta seel some teak trees til’ such a time… heh, heh 8)

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