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I don’t believe it!!!!!!!!

Home Forums General General Board I don’t believe it!!!!!!!!

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  • #1254

    I have just read the following job advert…………….

    Our client is looking to recruit an ROV Superintendent


    The responsibilities of the ROV Superintendent shall include, but are not limited to, those contained in the following:

    Blah blah blah blah……………………………………………………..


    Relevant experience in ROV Operations (minimum of 1 year as Supervisor)

    So in theory you can now go from trainee to supenintendo in four years, given that guys are now supervising after 3 years in the job.

    Is there anyone out there with just 4 years experience who thinks they have the knowledge base and skills to do this job?

    Is there any other industry anyone knows of with shuch rapid promotion?

    Scott Beveridge

    Didn’t I mention something before on another thread about youngster supv. and supvs and yellow bits floating up and out from underneath the blunt end??


    I believe you did, but the point i am trying to make is I can’t believe the office wallers would advertise for this position requiring so little experience. What I mean is advertise for a guy with say 5 years as supervisor and if you have to settle for a guy with say only 3 then so be it. But to set the bar so low is ridiculous.

    Scott Beveridge

    Understood dude…

    Let the orifice wallies and bean counters start figuring it out that a.) they are NOT in contract heaven and can just dial up for a take out ROV b.) G.W. Bush’s (the same arswhole who lost 8 companies) friggin oil – price – in – the – sky with his ME friends can’t and WON’T last forever and c.) us ol’ fart mercenaries are / will now and in the far future (or until we cork it) are getting pretty pissed-off at the lack of professionalism of said orifice wallies and their young upstarts.


    I believe that could be a bit of a mistake on the said recruitment company/consultant. I thinks its misplaced wording, as I know the company that role is for and they would laugh if you send someone through with 4 years experience who is a superintendent or wanted to be.


    it’s not a mistake- I called.


    Oh right, you might of got a fresh office bod who doesnt know a great deal about offshore work.

    I saw the same thing advertised on a website, and thought thats were you got it from.

    Scott Beveridge

    Dudes!!!!! Let this be a lesson to the young upstarts in the ORIFICES……

    Now, as long as everyone can read their contract and IF (just IF) they are in fact, qualified to work on a vehicle / system in which a newish company just bought and they don’t make luverly little yellow bits come out form under the arse end of the vessel that’s great. Farq IMCA whadabuncha shite!!!!!! Believe it was all from the land of Pommes. Read my bottom line


    heh heh heh, i won’t say who the employer is, but they are a very respectable group.


    heh heh, a good superintendent should know far more than the operatings of a single electronic beast like an ROV.

    How many superintendents could look at an RAO (response amplitude operator), a weather chart and a schematic of a decklayout and say "now this ain’t going to work laddie – the seaweed in my cabin told me!"

    A good superintendent should be a highly organised individual, with excellent paperwork handling skills and be able to coordinate the work of ROV, survey, vessel, client, onshore (and all the paperwork therein) to PERFORM the CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS. He needs to be able to ensure that when you put to harbour, that all the resources are availalble to support the next deployment+spares+personnel+maintenance. Half the time, the superintendent has to prepare task plans for just about everything. Oh yeah, and he has to be able to create a positive working relationship with the client.

    I’ve met few supernintendos who’ve come from a proper marine (i.e navy/merchant navy) background who could look at a weather report, understand the local weather environment, the current charts from an admiralty chart, take a look at the wrinkles on the wave and tell an inexperienced client that the weather is going to come up, and damn the satellite data! 😆

    Project daily meetings need to be organised, properly minuted, acted on, monitored……………….blah blah blah.

    Flying an rov and making sure that your tellus is 22 instead of 35 is a tiny part of it. But you should have a background strong enough to understand what your supervisor is telling you (and the hidden implications of – "we have only two conductors left mate!" or "we’ll need to reterm!"). – hmmm, superintendent to organise DNV/ABS approved inspectors to re-certify the system.

    Primary voice of reason and sense in a daily meeting! Hell to the yeah-that’s what I’d want to see on a cv! 😆

    Scott Beveridge


    They can respecta-da-dis!! BTW – any company can freely PM me anytime in the abovementioned fodder. With your name – I’ll give mine (if you don’t know me already…)

    Ewan McKen

    Assuming this is the vacancy that I think it is:

    The Competence Assurance and Assessment Scheme (in their Pilot Log Book) says: minimium 600 hours piloting time with 6 years relevant offshore experience for ROV Superintendent.

    ROV Supervisor is 500 hours and 5 years.

    I think there was a mistake.

    But it happened before the information was passed to the recruitment agency, so if you phone them they will just confirm the incorrect requirements.



    Inno05- yeah, guessing by your name I reckon you know what your on about!! 😆

    Andy Shiers

    Savante , there are no respectable Groups in this Industry , You know that 🙂 Liars , Cheating , Scheming , arrogant , Patronising 😯
    And that’s just the ROV Project manager’s Job 😀


    I’m going out as asst sup after four years and 1000hrs and am shitting it! 😯

    Any advice? 😆

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