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I know a secret about someone’s web identity, do you???

Home Forums General General Board I know a secret about someone’s web identity, do you???

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  • #12974

    Its hard to be humble


    I’m about to head out for my first trip offshore on ROV’s…. Glad to see even though there are some backstabbers and slaggers, there seems to be a few good people out there with a good sense of humour. Looking fwd to meeting some of you offshore.


    At least everyone here at Fugro-Rovtech are professional ROV Pilots who do not join in with backstabbing we all respect each other as people and as fellow members of the industry.

    This kind of thread sickens me to the core and should not be allowed. Why go public with a guy who has left your company and who you do not have to work with again. Get a life MUPPET.


    At least everyone here at Fugro-Rovtech are professional ROV Pilots who do not join in with backstabbing we all respect each other as people and as fellow members of the industry.

    Things must have changed since I left… 🙄 Fugro Rovtech, or Fugro Survey when I left were no better or worse than any other company I’ve worked for in my 20 odd years in ROV. There are some very good guys, some very shite guys, and a lot of backstabbing, admittedly mainly in the office (this I am told has changed along with a lot of the office bodies).
    I don’t have an axe to grind here but please don’t believe Fugro are the exception to the rule…you’ll be disappointed

    The Monkey


    Lucky Jim

    Since when have Rovtech been profesional with professional people!

    Yes there are some good people there but there is more dross than is required.

    Amateurs posing as pro’s more like!

    Enjoy your drill support and West Africa 😆


    As I sit here in my old Fugro UDI t-shirt I remember the good old days and the bad old days. But I have to say since returning to Fugro things actually do seem to be better. The company is now actually running like a proper ROV company and the guys I have worked with seem to be a lot happier than in the old days.

    The fact that my day rate has considerably improved also helps……….

    I will have to put some weight on so I can Fit Rovtech onto my underpants

    And yes they are brown and tan as welll 😉 😕

    Ray Shields

    At least everyone here at Fugro-Rovtech are professional ROV Pilots who do not join in with backstabbing we all respect each other as people and as fellow members of the industry.

    We REALLY need a tongue in cheek icon on this forum!


    We REALLY need a tongue in cheek icon on this forum!

    Hear Hear

    The Monkey


    Just get rid of the cocks or The-cock-of-ROV and get a few laughs,craic and shits and giggles, Maybe he left Fugro to get away from the Duck, sorry Duke, sorry Cock of ROV 😕

    I’m off to play with my Friken Lazer 😆

    The Finger


    hey, you want dolphins armed with friken lasers, I’m yer man. You’ll just have to find me a couple of dolphins ! 😆

    Andy Shiers

    So How is life in the fast lane , Savante 🙂


    Giving up on my plans for global domination until I get at least 8 hours consecutive sleep!

    Andy Shiers

    Risky 😯
    Try 4 Redbulls 😀


    We REALLY need a tongue in cheek icon on this forum!

    Ray I hope you do not think that I do not genuinely believe what I wrote….

    It is nice to be back at Fugro though and I even got a new t-shirt and some Kyonex boots with shock absorbers in the heals it is like wearing nike air trainers on deck. Happy days. 🙂

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