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India whats it like.

Home Forums General General Board India whats it like.

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    Seems to be a lot of work in India. Apart from being full of foreigners (that was intended as a tounge in cheak joke so please do not take offence) what is it actually like.

    Apart from being hot and wet you know the kind of thing customs, safety and security ease of getting around hotel facility that sort of thing.

    😉 ➡ 💡

    Andy Shiers

    Don’t forget ‘Delhi Belly’


    😈 Depends where in India you are going to be working from, in some places it can be hell, customs is not too bad, getting around and to the job site can take a long time, 8 hours in a bus with AC broken, only to find you have missed the crew boat and have to spend th night in a rat infested bomb shelter made out to be a hotel that has no ac, no food worth eating and cockroaches to sleep with which are a much better option than any of the local tallent that might happen to be passing by. then you get to ride on a crew boat for 20hours. just great fun, make sure the dayrate is worth it.
    Then again I have also had some great trips up there, with no hassel and a good crack both offshore and on during port calls or crew change. it all depends on where you are working.



    you of down there with a vessel soon then? i understand allseas were looking for ROV company there in few months


    Ahoy there True well I think you should be looking a little closer to home word on the street was Fugro had tendered for some work down there last I heard nothing was confirmed.


    there was a bid never heard anymore, think they were holding out for other work options.


    Seems like there is to much work around for some of the office staff to deal with.


    India can be fun , but more often than not it is a nightmare to work in , travel in and do business with.Standards are poor in many areas especially food, safety , hygene ,infrastructure etc. Bureaucracy is terrible often a catch 22 situation.

    But there is a lot of work coming up in India in the next 2 years.

    Andy Shiers

    Yep , It has a bad situation with too much shagging,overpopulated,poverty striken and poor hygiene 🙁
    Still , they have Nuclear Fusion from all the money they have been making out of the oil/gas -textile child body shops and the corner shops in Great Britain 🙂
    Their Doctors and Nurses are on a good earner too 😛


    Seems like there is to much work around for some of the office staff to deal with.

    what base staff, they’r all leaving


    why waste your time? get a real job? stuff the shitty stuff……..

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