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Insane Supervisor help!

Home Forums General General Board Insane Supervisor help!

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    We were bringing a Magnum up today , I was on the winch with another trainee and supervisor in the Van . i am on deck comms and the lift will take about 55 minutes from 750m The super decides to take a tea break leaving me on the winch , i have only been on ROVs 10 months and the other Trainee ois even less competant . I am fine on the winch but have always had an experienced pilot during recovery, or myself at the controls with a veteran watching what i do.

    So the idiot supervisor 22 years experience hops out for Tea , does not tell me either and leaves the poor trainee with no clue as what to do at the controls . The ROV starts to drift away from the guide wires and casing .There is a gentle current but as the ROV rises it gets stronger until the ROV is far away from the target position and safety. I am completely unaware of this until I get a call from the van a panic call . i stop the winch and go inside . My mate is pissed , he cannot see the ROV the Supervisor has been gone 25 minutes . I look at the sonar and see that the ROV has drifted 30m away from guidlines and start to bring it back. Luck we have driftede away from any Hazard!

    Just then the supervisor bursts in screaming blue murder at us , why have we lost control why is the machine not on deck . blah blah ,THIS IS WRONG.

    what is with this guy , he is the person responsible but seems insane?
    I have asked the other shift super to sort the situation out , the other trainee is very shaken .

    We did recover the ROV safely but there is a bad feeling all round now , we do not trust this guy , he is irresponsible,, oh yeah he is an Indian.

    During our 12 hour shift he was only around for about 5 hours , nobody know where he went the rest of the time.The company man and OIM are with me and the other trainee on this , they are alert guys . I may be a Trainee but i do not like unprofessional behaviour.

    Next shift starts 8hours should be fun!


    Scott Beveridge


    Didn’t you say in a previous post that all was cool out there in the OI frame of mind??


    I would say all three of you are in the wrong.


    Surely after 11 months you should be capable and confident to recover the ROV?
    Don’t get me wrong I’m not putting you down but why didn’t you just stay calm, stick the trainee on the winch, have them stand with the handle pulled and just fly the ROV out yourself?
    I had a real sh1tty start to my ROV career (agency supers, paranoid "my bat, my ball" supers etc) so know all about trying to get flying and navigation experience (once did a 7 week drill support and notched up literally 3 minutes on the sticks) but surely you’ve had enough training to navigate out of a drill support job?


    Oceaneering Singapores finest at work. Pay peanuts= Get Monkeys……….


    HaHa, the trials and tribulations of Good old Bed Support Oceaneering style, do they still supply the crew with a pipe and slippers along with the PPE??? :mrgreen: Just wait until you work with Cooperman.. 😯


    You said it all in your first sentence.


    Says it all as far as I’m concerned.


    I got control of the Sub , but the trainee was so shaken up , tonight he refused to work with this super who has dissappeared again , I am in the van obn my own for 2 hours now.

    what a prat.!!!!

    But i still love the Job and all the other OI people i have met have been nice and cool and professional.



    Grow up Little boy John and stop bitching about others on a public forum. Did you talk about this with the guy?

    Go away now and sort it out like a real man. No-one is forcing you to stay on the job. Do your trip and change locations/companies/etc.

    Be thankful you’re not on any job of mine…


    We had a discussion about what happened this morning and the super has been asked to leave the rig by the OIM , seems he pissed the company man and the SDR, off , so now we are waiting for a replacement and will be short handed for the next few days as they are sending him to a work boat .So It is now me and 1 senior Pilot on nights and the other super and 2 guys on Days.

    I had control of yesterdays situation , but the other Trainee was not going on the winch, Thanks guys for the I am not bitching behind this guys back i had it out with him but he must be ill or something because he just aint all there .



    …but you are doing drill support. That is where us old ROV dinosaurs go into semi-retirement ’cause there is no stress and no hassels, even if you are doing tooling and work overs, there still isn’t much to it. A years exp over here would have you as a shift supervisor for a man up. OI must have one hell of a slow training process.

    All i can say is keep going. There alway has been and always will be some class A numpties in this business.


    Yeah i Know CRABs , i am just finishing shift now only me and senior tech on duty , we dived and recovered 3 time last night and changed tools twice , now the ROv is on deck and we are openening up the logic can and I will work until its fixed as i am electronic savvy they want me not the mechs . it was nice last night without the crazy man , he is going in the chopper tommorow but we will not get a nother guy till Thursday so just 2 on the night shift. this well is a nightmare for the drillers spud in 3 weeks and counting , split casings and broken drill motor on the derrick.

    I am happy doing this job ,



    Sounds like you have it in hand liddle. What rig are you on?


    indian guys huh…remind me of my mate course during my rov training not to long ago, he is very arrogant and also fuzzy..he seem his know everything and also talked crap during our tutorial classes…heheheh..made me mad when i thought of him..yeahhh he is also from india! :))))


    Sounds like you have it in hand liddle. What rig are you on?

    Ocean general, 35 years old rust bucket.


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