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Insane Supervisor help!

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    Scott Beveridge

    indian guys huh…remind me of my mate course during my rov training not to long ago, he is very arrogant and also fuzzy..he seem his know everything and also talked crap during our tutorial classes…heheheh..made me mad when i thought of him..yeahhh he is also from india! :))))

    There was a thread a while back which stated something to the effect that FW was going to have somewhere around 150 Indian nationals taking the course. Anyone heard anything to refute this? If so, there goes the dayrates (until we have to come back and repair the damage to the vehicles and companies egos…)


    Lidledjohn……if you value your job take axemans advise….refrain from posting such dribble on a public forum….did you ever thing you might be making life more miserable if the "mad super" found your post on this forum?

    It is unfortunate….but you have the right to stop the job any time and if need be get the other super out of bed.
    Do not be forced into doing something you know is wrong…stand up…your better judgement begins from day one….you knew it was a bad situation.

    Communicate with your seniors!!!


    Rovbionic … You are probably correct but here is the latest on what happend to clear it up … the mad supervisor has been fired as the Company Man sent in a damning report to OC about his incompetant and abusive behavior to all on the rig . I have been given a slap on my back by the OPs manager and am already on my way to another job so I am happy as larry .

    another guy has been promoted to super on the old job and made huge progress in 3 days that the other nutcase could not acheive in 3 weeks.

    Lets close this thread guys as I have learned some lessons here .



    indian guys huh…remind me of my mate course during my rov training not to long ago, he is very arrogant and also fuzzy..he seem his know everything and also talked crap during our tutorial classes…heheheh..made me mad when i thought of him..yeahhh he is also from india! :))))

    I work with an Indian, probably 1 of the hardest working guys i have ever known. I also married to an indian.

    Straight up, Great guy. Gets the job done.

    He seems a bit arrogant to those people that think they know everything.




    I have also worked with some competant Indian Chaps .It is vital not to judge people by race or country or colour but as individuals .

    Some people are arseholes most are not.


    Is OI a company?? can I know its website??


    oceaneering international….

    has anyone here seen that national geographic television program where they do a thruster swapout on a semi-sub?? They lower the old thruster onto a standby vessel and in the background an OI vehicle drops out of it’s garage from LARS height !!

    It screened in the UK last week !

    Scott Beveridge

    …. And yet another one!!… Maybe they need to install some hyd. operated locking pads….. 😆 😆 😆


    A couple of weeks ago I was shown some video of a crane crushing a Magnum and Control cabin on an OI job in Angola…The OI managment tried to laugh it off as no one was hurt …luckily …but that attitude backfired as all the ROV techs walked and are now at SS7.

    funny thing is I had a phone call from OI Singapore yesterday asking if I wanted work in the near future ….what should I do ?

    Scott Beveridge

    Read your sentence above the question and answer it dude!


    Sorry, do OI is a company?? may i know the website of the company?? can anybody tell me??


    Tazblock, please you must be able to find the legendary OI on the web somewhere. Just google oceaneering international, such a lovely website.


    Read your sentence above the question and answer it dude!

    TOUCHE yeah and unessacary as there a much better options available .


    Thanks a lot Marley, I just confuse of the abbreviation that been use.
    Thank you.


    Give it time mate, you will soon find out when your screwed bu OI. Biggest losers in the game, but they used to be a great company when Neil Wellam was in charge, now you have chunky (I forgot I worked offshore) McDonald.

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