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Is it me or are Supervisors idle?

Home Forums General General Board Is it me or are Supervisors idle?

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    Is it just me or are Supervisors lazy? Most of the ones I have come across are like an olympic torch(never go out!!) They’re all this and all that but when it comes down to the crunch it’s the techs that get the job done! 12 hrs hanging about followed by 4 hrs up the bridge, what’s that all about?

    Three years in the game since leaving the RAF you could say I have forgotten more than most of these guys have learnt in a lifetime. They all seem the same, they should be phasing out these dinosaurs who can only use computers who use DOS.

    Companies I have spent time with ie Stolt,Technip and Sonsub. Had enough of that lot!

    Anyone know much about TS Marine and ISS? Heard they are turning into major players with young and fresh ideas!

    Scott Beveridge

    3 years is not alot of time "to know it all". You lad, were in the forces so you should know of a chain of command. I’ll give you credit that there may be some supervisors such as you say and I agree to weed them out. I call them 5 year wonders. Now, let’s look at the other side of the coin… How’s this eh? 24 hr. ops., 6 man team. A 5 year wonder as a supv, a 25+ year veteran as senior supv, and 4 (yes 4) trainee pilot / techs. Who the hell do you think does 80% the work and worry? Be careful son…


    What an embarrassing post! 😳 So embarrassing that I suspect it’s a disingenuous hoax.


    Scott Beveridge

    What an embarrassing post! 😳 So embarrassing that I suspect it’s a disingenuous hoax.



    I guess your writing about the low comp… 😉


    scot.. who cares! your a .. i know this i did that kinda guy hey!! want a t-shirt.. or you got loads of them too.. got any blue peter badges?? 😆


    so scottbeve 25 year vet even I know ROV’s weren’t around then, was it ROV Ark 001 you were on?
    But fair comments I maybe a bit bitter and twisted about this but when I get getting their dayrates shoved down my throat and how many years do you have to do this before the trainee handle gets dropped.
    The equipment we use isn’t state of the art we are still using old computers as the main control systems. I think technically there are some really smart techs coming into this industry I was certainly considered an asset at first but am getting hacked off being a deck donkey all of the time, I reckon after one year on construction jobs should qualify anyone for promotion and more money and after 3 I should definately be at least a nightshift supv instead of being held back as a pilot tech so I can do the job for these guys.

    Scott Beveridge

    scot.. who cares! your a .. i know this i did that kinda guy hey!! want a t-shirt.. or you got loads of them too.. got any blue peter badges?? 😆

    You’re breaking up star…


    try fixing the coms box then BOY.. get back out on declk with that broom up your ass and sweep it whilst your at it!!

    make mine a very WELL DONE steak!




    A little bit a ROV history for you!


    Scott Beveridge

    so scottbeve 25 year vet even I know ROV’s weren’t around then, was it ROV Ark 001 you were on?
    But fair comments I maybe a bit bitter and twisted about this but when I get getting their dayrates shoved down my throat and how many years do you have to do this before the trainee handle gets dropped.
    The equipment we use isn’t state of the art we are still using old computers as the main control systems. I think technically there are some really smart techs coming into this industry I was certainly considered an asset at first but am getting hacked off being a deck donkey all of the time, I reckon after one year on construction jobs should qualify anyone for promotion and more money and after 3 I should definately be at least a nightshift supv instead of being held back as a pilot tech so I can do the job for these guys.

    Once again, we have a fine example of youngsters spouting off without doing the proper research. Ex-R.A.Farce? I suggest you look up: Taylor Diving & Salvage Belle Chase, Loseyana, next – US Navy implementing certain torpedo tube-launched RCV’s, then perhaps a Mr. Drew Michel, a Mr. Wade Ababdie, and then move on to Hydro Products RCV-225, RCV-125, and RCV-150 formerly of San Diego – now closed. In fact, there’s a museum website of a museum in the UK (can’t remember where) which actually has an RCV-225 in the museum. Also, (who remembers this) a certain RCV in one of the Bond movies on Q’s workbench (can someone help me with which movie that was???). Don’t do the industry a disservice by saying things that are obviously not in your realm of knowledge.

    On the subject of old technology- old tech space craft and the fastest recon aircraft are still running well. Hard part is to find / source the bits. Hmmmm…. newer technology can go tits-up can’t it. Look at what happened to Airbus…

    About getting dayrates shoved down your throat… Try asking for more – you’ll be surprised. If you’re good, then you’ll get what you deserve. Unfortunately, there are some supervisors who are vengeful, vindictive, and have problems with their super-ego / id. This can lead to bad / incorrect / unfair appraisals. Dude, it all comes in time. It took me 4 1/2 years to become a supv (1984 !! No sh*t!!) – but those were slower times.


    barney!!! a big purple gay talking dinosuar.. but then again by the sound of things you and scot been in the industry that long you ARE a couple of dinosuars… 😆 😆 😯 🙄 😀


    dear oh dear flat comp another superviser wannabe. In 3 years given equal time that gives you 18 mths experience, and 3 of the big companies in 3 years.
    These companies must have a hard time getting PPE to fit you eh!!!!!
    The Duke 🙄


    DUKE of ROV… bloody hell!!!! get a life!

    ha ha , are you one of those gay purple dinosuars!! i think so 😆 😆 😆 😆


    to call yourself DUKE… ROV is not the be all and end all of life.. you guys seem to think. ha ha calling yourself the duke, for f@#k sakes its only a job! 😳 🙄 😆

    Scott Beveridge

    try fixing the coms box then BOY.. get back out on declk with that broom up your ass and sweep it whilst your at it!!

    make mine a very WELL DONE steak!

    Drivel… ad nauseum Never did receive your real name in a pm as requested SOOO many times….

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