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Is it me or are Supervisors idle?

Home Forums General General Board Is it me or are Supervisors idle?

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    and !!! your point is?? πŸ˜•

    Scott Beveridge



    A little bit a ROV history for you!


    Cheers Barney! Couldn’t find the site link in my database in a jiffy so I winged it. And yes, Wade hired me and Drew was Prez of tech division Taylor Diving & Salvage

    Dis-regard the black star’s comments. She has nothing better to do / zero good input on / for this website.




    seems you oldies know what your on about… one foot in the grave.. ho hum..must be so good hey! being so OLD to know about these ROV what a life achievement


    Compdup you say your ex forces but your rant is at ROV supervisors????

    Were you asleep during your university of life lessons???????

    In all walks of life including the RAF (I know cos I did 12 years) there are different kinds of supervisors.

    1) The lazy type (eternal flames)
    2) The hard working conciencious ones
    3) The empire builders.
    (When I was a trainee there was 1 supervisor who would not let the other guys on the shift do anything apart from operate the winch and make the tea and coffee. He would sit there flying the ROV operating the grabber and had the T3 on his knee ready)

    Just because you may have been a supervisor in the RAF does not mean you can be a supervisor in this game. It’s a totally different environment with completely different skills required.
    An ex RAF tosser who I know of thought he was better than everyone just because he had been a supervisor in the RAF. So after 3 years ROVing went to the ops manager and offered to take a pay cut to become a spervisor. Ask any ex Racal guy from circa 97-98.

    As an ex RAF superstar do you have any idea what % of this industry is ex forces? I would guess about 40%. Do they ALL become lazy when they start working offshore?

    Reading between the lines, you have worked for 3 big comanies in 3 years, and all the supervisors you have encountered fit into catgory 1) above. I find that very hard to believe, makes me wonder if you have the right attitude for this job.

    I would say you have 2 options, go and see your ops manager and offer to take a pay cut, or consider a job in a different field.

    Now run along and get me a tea (White nun) while I finish off my DPR, I will be on the bridge.


    star or S.T.A.R. (Stupid, Tiresome, Annoying replies)

    nuff said πŸ˜€


    You lot seem to be taking this all a bit too seriously! Maybe I’m not too far off the mark.

    Duke of ROV! Who’s next Lord of the ROVs.

    Effin reps…What were you in the RAF? A gunner perhaps.

    Make your own tea dinosaur


    Not another ex RAF Super duper wing commander bum pilot trainee.
    You wont last mate.Get back to your penguin march with your baton firmly implanted where it belongs…………….


    Not another ex RAF Super duper wing commander bum pilot trainee.
    You wont last mate.Get back to your penguin march with your baton firmly implanted where it belongs…………….


    Compdup, disappointed but not surprised to see that irony is lost on you.

    40+ = dinosaur?

    Anyone over 40 or over 10 years experience and all supervisors should retire NOW.
    The young guns are coming to put the industry right. HALLELUJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That’ll work πŸ™‚


    I think the main thing to come out of this thread is that Stupid Tiresome Annoying Replies does nothing for anything on the forum except p*&s people of.

    If you have noting of value to add to the threads keep your trap shut.

    As for the thread, the older guys have the experience, some do not want to share it, some do, some will help you out, some will not. Which ever one you have on your crew you still have to rely on their experience and knowledge for one simple reason. They have been in the game longer than you!! πŸ’‘

    When it comes down to the crunch you have to work as a unit, maybe someday the egos will disappear, but I doubt it πŸ™„ In my opinion you have no cause to want to supervise anything until you have at least 5 years experience behind you, on different types of kit, in different areas and with different egos!!!! Maybe then you will be in a position to "take charge" If you look back to your time in the forces would have been around that length of time before you got the promotion that let you supervise others. The forces are usually a good bench mark when it comes to that kind of thing. πŸ˜€

    Learn to walk before you run mate 8) πŸ’‘


    seems that there are loads of OAPs in this game.. who have either been in it so long they dont have anything else in there lives, or have to be in it cos they pist there life away.. this is becoming more a young industry..live with it or move over grandad! πŸ™„ πŸ˜† 😳 πŸ˜› πŸ˜†

    Scott Beveridge

    Star…. πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„

    Soooo, why are you in this "game" (might be referring to PS2)?

    Guys! πŸ˜†

    This thread is turning out to be lots of fun BECAUSE OF THE YOUNGSTERS!! I’m peeing myself here!! 8) 8)

    Dog and effin’, Thanks for the backup!

    Kinda reminds me of quite a few "developing" country leaders / energy ministers stating the drivels such as, "In 5 years, we will be able to take care of our own oil industry without the likes of western intervention" and blah, blah, ad infinum… And uuuh… let’s see a few of them are still fully managed / mid-managed by the likes of…….. duuooh!!


    Wait for the downturn which one day not too far away will happen and there will be a massive glut of ROV personell,the shite will then soon be scraped out and discarded…………….


    and oh by the way for all the guys out there been in the game for along time,all do yourselfs a favour as I do.Dont pass on anything to the trainees,as the downturn will come,and its a dog eat dog world now,everyman to himself kind of thing.Know what I mean.As long as they can make a good cuppa,and wipe soak up the oil,that will do for me hey.

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