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Is it me or are Supervisors idle?

Home Forums General General Board Is it me or are Supervisors idle?

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  • #12597

    Could be nice to work with that empty comp, just to see how good he is.
    Then again, i work with some nice people here in Asia.


    where you at deep down.


    Deep down – It would be nice to work with you also as long as you like to get stuck in and are not some chancer!
    Scotbeve – You make out you find this thread funny but inside you are raging old boy!
    Cable dog – not much to say to you as you seem ok.
    Brigs34 – You’re an idiot!

    Scott Beveridge

    Could be nice to work with that empty comp, just to see how good he is.
    Then again, i work with some nice people here in Asia.

    DUUUUDE!!! 8) 8) 8) Folks, ladies and germs, he knows what he’s talkin’ about!!!!


    Comp I try to be dude 🙂 But please bear in mind that I am also a "youngster" in this game, but I have worked all over the world on many projects for the last 17 years and have learnt alot about the way things work.

    One thing I have learnt is that even though you may be correct you may not be right. 💡 di ba?

    Keep smiling


    Scott Beveridge

    Deep down – It would be nice to work with you also as long as you like to get stuck in and are not some chancer!
    Scotbeve – You make out you find this thread funny but inside you are raging old boy!
    Cable dog – not much to say to you as you seem ok.
    Brigs34 – You’re an idiot!

    Sorry lad, I’m not British so 86 that old boy stuff. Besides, the blood pressure never gets over 135 / 80. Good living, food, weather, folks to work with,pretty good job (s) and not – too – long til retirement (I’m 50 years young). Besides sweety, I’ve never worn a tutu or crotchless leathers… Furry things? Well, I won’t get into that at this time…

    Why is it that a good amount of people who heavily use chat sites, forums, and the likes feel like they can try to humiliate, overpower, appear to be suckologists, bad-mouth, and generally be extremely boorish when they think they can hide behind huffy-puffy handles, silly icons, and the entertaining likes of such???? Ummmm… nothing else to do???? Low self-esteem? Zero sex life? I wonder… My time is limited – gotta go.


    where you at deep down.

    Live in Thailand, work out of Singapore


    Your all a bunch of tossers by the sounds of things except Deepdown of course…… he’s me Bro. Zero downtime in 2 years…..not a bad effort, someones doing their PMS. 😀


    In todays world of relatively reliable ROV’s, I wonder how the ‘legends in my own mind’ newbies would cope with a mob. If what was sent out was a decaying scorpio that had sat in the base for eons not touched by human hands (occasionally pissed on by the warehouse cat).

    Did a short job on short notice recently and that is exactly what was sent out, absolutely nothing worked. Company line:- It was OK last time it was used. (About 2 years previously)

    Oh we did have fun!!!! Fortunately there were a couple of so called dinosaurs on the job.


    In todays world of relatively reliable ROV’s, I wonder how the ‘legends in my own mind’ newbies would cope with a mob. If what was sent out was a decaying scorpio that had sat in the base for eons not touched by human hands (occasionally pissed on by the warehouse cat).

    Did a short job on short notice recently and that is exactly what was sent out, absolutely nothing worked. Company line:- It was OK last time it was used. (About 2 years previously)

    Oh we did have fun!!!! Fortunately there were a couple of so called dinosaurs on the job.

    I just like the Scorpio, again you have to be a dinosaur to work on that, the kids proberly dont know what it is. was with a new guy, he thought that a SMD MD3 was some sort of MP3 player 😉


    Many young guys,ex-military etc come on to ships/rigs and think that they are the ""ONE"" :with 15-20 years of experience a good supervisor can save the ET’s and MT’s a lot of wasted time and effort and little is acheived when someone new tries to interfere in established procedures. I am prepared to learn from newcomers providing they can back up their theories,ideas or improvements, but in many cases they never ask whether something different has been tried before. Every body is interested in improving them selves,nothing wrong, but don’t be-little others or the situation will turn around and YOUR ass gets kicked.


    HI sonny, I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Mitch Michaud a number of years ago, he was a real gentleman and was responsible for the development of the RECON electric ,survey class ROV . Originally designed with one manip to harvest deep water black coral, spent an interesting few months learning a lot from this man 30 years my senior. He was also one of the team responsible for the ARMS BELL, 2 man deep (5000 fsw) submersible
    which operated from Oceaneering Int’l for many years. There is a lot of history in ROV/ Submarine technology and many of the early learnt fallabilities are still here—- most of all unexperienced people who claim to be
    capable of everything, sit back, study your chosen subject and study manuals
    only then will you gain respect from the older generation.



    Lazy people can be found at all levels in all professions.

    Your lazy supervisor maybe a diamond under certain circumstances and in another persons opinion.

    Never assume you know enough and definately don’t brag about how good you are.

    Be very careful what you say out there……..



    Deep down – It would be nice to work with you also as long as you like to get stuck in and are not some chancer!
    Scotbeve – You make out you find this thread funny but inside you are raging old boy!
    Cable dog – not much to say to you as you seem ok.
    Brigs34 – You’re an idiot!

    Polo, compdup:- no wonder you are bitching!!!! YOU’RE in the UK ,freezing or wet and not in the tropics– any luck I’ll be your next supervisor and will have the cleanest winch in the world. PS hurry up with that coffee 2 sugars of course.!!!

    Scott Beveridge

    HI sonny, I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Mitch Michaud a number of years ago, he was a real gentleman and was responsible for the development of the RECON electric ,survey class ROV . Originally designed with one manip to harvest deep water black coral, spent an interesting few months learning a lot from this man 30 years my senior. He was also one of the team responsible for the ARMS BELL, 2 man deep (5000 fsw) submersible
    which operated from Oceaneering Int’l for many years. There is a lot of history in ROV/ Submarine technology and many of the early learnt fallabilities are still here—- most of all unexperienced people who claim to be
    capable of everything, sit back, study your chosen subject and study manuals
    only then will you gain respect from the older generation.

    Polo………..Nice dude!

    Send me a PM . OMB 01????? By the way, good input / lesson / dialog the previous 2 replies!!!

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