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Is it me or are Supervisors idle?

Home Forums General General Board Is it me or are Supervisors idle?

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    In todays world of relatively reliable ROV’s, I wonder how the ‘legends in my own mind’ newbies would cope with a mob. If what was sent out was a decaying scorpio that had sat in the base for eons not touched by human hands (occasionally pissed on by the warehouse cat).

    Did a short job on short notice recently and that is exactly what was sent out, absolutely nothing worked. Company line:- It was OK last time it was used. (About 2 years previously)

    Oh we did have fun!!!! Fortunately there were a couple of so called dinosaurs on the job.

    Spent many years on scorpios – +61 —they are bullet proof,the telemetry system is easy to understand ,1 telemetry and 2/3 I/O boards ;easily repairable and easy to calibrate, driver and gyro boards like wise they were built MILSPEC military specification which means that relativeley untrained people can repair them in the field. If you can dead circuit diagrams you can fault find easily, the only problem that recurred was idiots over tightening pod connector causing water ingress or damaging plug/socket or cables. A reliable vehicle if looked after.


    compdup you are right, slackers to a man and your prize for being correct is to go and make me a coffee and see if there’s anything left in the galley coz i can’t be arsed. 😆


    For those of us that spent many years working hard on various vehicles ,just keep the well earnt experience under your hat, its called CMB engineering. Basically COVER MY BACK , whilst working for Oceaneering on their Scorpio fleet I made Quick Fix flow charts for the I/O boards, that is which $0.05 component was driving what ,so that if you lost 1 function, camera pan/tilt or manip left/right you went straight to the I/o chip and traced it from there . These flow charts were invaluable but I never handed them on to any one.
    If I had given the information out every trainee would suudenly become an electronics tech (NOT!!!!!!)


    what a legend you are polo I bet you can even program your betamax vcr.
    As for beverage the only reason you have 4 trainees on shift with you is once people have done one trip with you they don’t want to come back fed up fixing your F*** up’s.
    50 my arse, you love this chat board stuff because you you ain’t got any friends, you can’t get yourself a woman without having to pay for it, just watch out for yourself they caught up with Gary Glitter.
    The Duke


    the duke who do you think you are royalty or another sepo


    Mmmmmm……..now I see why you’re still a PT. It isn’t all about fixing and flying you know………. 🙄

    Be careful out there……..



    Sorry guys, don’t post a great deal on this forum as I feel that recently it has turned into a job seekers data base for trainees (not a trainee), a bitching ground for insicure / bored off shore workers (again, not me. I’m quite content!!) or the occasional worthwhile technical discussion that requires input from guys that have gained years of valuable experiaence (sadly, not me but getting there. Keep your mouth shut & ears open!!!) Anyway that’s what brings me onto why I say this. I’m sick to the back teeth of working with jumped up tossers such as Star & emtycomp or what ever his name is. Why is it that after one ‘r*t^rm & a few sets of weekly’s these guys feel that they merit the position of a Sup. Intd. Well news for you guys, most of the people here have also served apprentiships. There’s nothing wrong with being ambisious, far from it…… When you live in the ever more expensive UK you do need the money, true…… When you come across the odd individual who has been elevated above his/her position…… All of which are things that you have to deal with not only off shore but in life, so you’re either struggling to get your head round having so much freedom outside the regimented life of the military or you still have a lot to learn after serving your time. Either way, do us all a favour & shut the f&*k up. You’re starting to piss a lot of people off. Remember, you have no idea who most of the posters are on here & the chances are you’ll come across a few of them on your travels. Superiors are only going to start witholding info & watching you sweat & give you the scummy jobs to do 😀 😆

    Anyway, with that off my chest I’ll continue to enjoy my well earnedbeer & think of some good jobs for Star & emptycomp if anyone knows who they are & if I ever have them on my system!!!


    Substandardscott – Thank god you don’t post often, it was only just readable. Do the techs do all the logs for you? You can’t spell worth a s**t. I bet the office can’t wait to receive your DPRs so they can have their daily laugh!!

    Also you mention "my system"……oh dear


    Not the best of spellers, nightmare!!! That’s what F7’s for matey boy.
    As for ‘my system’, school boy error. I know. I studdied electronics not English.


    Not the best of spellers, nightmare!!! That’s what F7’s for matey boy.
    As for ‘my system’, school boy error. I know. I studdied electronics not English.

    That’s a bit gutless subsy you go in there to blast all of these wannabe’s and tell them to quake in their boots if they come across some vet’s who are gonna sort them out and then when flat, empty, weak bladder comp comes on and gives you a serve you back off.
    Tell it like it is, the likes of these young turks like low comp will get their come uppance when they get to their dizzy heights and are put out there by themselves or worse flat comp could go on jobs like the last one I was sent to, the CSO Venturer manned with Aussies, he would get on well with them they know everything as well NOT!!!
    What do you get when you take the bulls**t out of an Aussie – a pygmy

    The Duke


    The Duke of ROV I can imagine you now, mincing about clipboard in hand demanding cups of earl grey! Right up your street. Right about Aussies though…HAZOB reporting whinging colonials.


    Polo, you are correct, they are reliable if looked after, but I think you missed the point of cynics post. The system he mentioned had not been looked after at all, It sounds like the job I was on back in March. Scorpio 43 Fugro Denmark, system had been totally neglected for months, problems top and bottomside. Got it working in a couple of shifts and completed the job. Cynic pm me if I’m right.


    Hey comp, maybe you should try working out in the Middle East. I just came off a job where the Sup did all the flying, all the highlights tapes, and all the paperwork.
    I just got the lucky job of winchman (no remote 🙁 and no fun in 45′ temperatures) . As a trainee, this p***ed me off so much I left the company, and yes, I know we all have to start somewhere, but I’d rather take my chances elsewhere.
    But back to my point, in all industries, and at all levels, you have slack jobs and you have busy jobs. And slack workers and busy workers. Be thankful you’re not a welder on a jacket installation barge in the scorching middle east.
    Accept it or move on. I have a feeling you may be moving on, as you don’t seem to have any friends left in this industry!!! Maybe you should try public relations.

    Andy Shiers

    Getting back to the subject Compt up 🙂
    I have never being idle , I am a competent pilot and I am a methodological fault finder 🙂
    I am never idle and I only ask someone to do something that I would do myself if I had the time or the team needs work to do to keep them occupied 😀
    I supervise and if the money is right will pilot tech or you can call me anything you like ’cause I’m happy with the pennies 😀
    Send me a pm so that we can converse and shed a little light on your bitching 🙂
    If ya dare 😀


    Hey Compdup, What type of fashion are you interested in. Maybe that’s why you haven’t made Sup yet, spending too much time walking the cat-walk or designing mens underware.

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