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Is it me or are Supervisors idle?

Home Forums General General Board Is it me or are Supervisors idle?

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  • #12627

    So you say you don’t do rig-support. Will you then do it when and if you’re a supervisor. Being supervisor is more that just knowing the ROV, there are things like getting on with the client, rig or vessel crew, etc.

    Surely you’re just on here to take the piss as in the one post you say that you will be going to Nigeria for the first time later this year and then in another post you give advice to someone going there.

    At the end of day you’ll make Sup if your bosses feel youare good enough and even then it won’t mean that you’ll be a good one. Now get on with chipping the winch…


    Getting back to the subject Compt up 🙂
    I have never being idle , I am a competent pilot and I am a methodological fault finder 🙂
    I am never idle and I only ask someone to do something that I would do myself if I had the time or the team needs work to do to keep them occupied 😀
    I supervise and if the money is right will pilot tech or you can call me anything you like ’cause I’m happy with the pennies 😀
    Send me a pm so that we can converse and shed a little light on your bitching 🙂
    If ya dare 😀

    wow lostboy send you a pm, what would we talk about in private, oh I know, it would be about you, never seen so many I am’s in one reply sorry you seem to have short term memory loss and dyslexia "I have never being idle" you from Bradford or what.
    It’s very magnamous of you to give people permission to call you anything so do you get called dickhead a lot.
    You sound like you would be a good supervisor too, siiting inside thinking of work for your team to keep them busy, another olympic flame!!!!!!


    Hey Compdup, What type of fashion are you interested in. Maybe that’s why you haven’t made Sup yet, spending too much time walking the cat-walk or designing mens underware.

    Ho ho ho gyrohead. How many Anoraks do you have in your wardrobe or do you have enough room left to fit anything in there, amongst all the company T-shirts, overalls and old men’s Y-fronts.


    what the hell?

    someone tag me in – I’m just about to have an anger blackout !!!

    😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈

    😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈


    Also, bugger off now, there’s a good wafu. it’s friday night – time to engage in wine, women and song. 💡

    Andy Shiers

    You are absolutely right compt up start 🙂
    We have nothing in common , and you obviously , Do not know me 🙂
    And I hope I never have the pleasure of working with you 😀


    Also, bugger off now, there’s a good wafu. it’s friday night – time to engage in wine, women and song. 💡

    Savante out.

    After looking at some of your posts can’t imagine you being one for the ladies. Wine and song though can see that, but more like some park bench on a monday morning abusing the public.

    How many ASBO medals do you own?


    You are absolutely right compt up start 🙂
    We have nothing in common , and you obviously , Do not know me 🙂
    And I hope I never have the pleasure of working with you 😀

    suits me bye then


    Now then, As Compdup’s Superintendent, I find all this banter a bit dissapointing. This all started as a bit of a laugh and a joke but has turned into a monster, showing some people for what they are.

    I agree with Ray and James that all postings should be relatively harmless and should attack no-one.

    I think I’ll have to review my NRB List.

    Come on guys, see it as the light-hearted banter it was intended to be and stop ripping into each other. Any Ops Manager dropping into this Site would think we’re all brain dead!
    Want more respect? Want more money? Buck up! Can someone post something interesting to discuss?


    Who started it.


    Compdup, if you are this bored or antagonised about your supervisor me old china, ask for a career appraisal or quit your job and go day-rater.

    I’m bored of this. Anyone else want to file-13 this thread.

    Scott Beveridge

    Compdup, if you are this bored or antagonised about your supervisor me old china, ask for a career appraisal or quit your job and go day-rater.

    I’m bored of this. Anyone else want to file-13 this thread.

    🙄 🙄

    Good Idear! I second it!

    Scott Beveridge

    Quote by Effinreps 5 July 12:32 p.m.

    ……….. there was dialog before this……

    In all walks of life including the RAF (I know cos I did 12 years) there are different kinds of supervisors.

    1) The lazy type (eternal flames)
    2) The hard working conciencious ones
    3) The empire builders.
    (When I was a trainee there was 1 supervisor who would not let the other guys on the shift do anything apart from operate the winch and make the tea and coffee. He would sit there flying the ROV operating the grabber and had the T3 on his knee ready)

    Effin, ya’ forgot the ones who have / had Golden Kneepads &the "Bullsh*t Baffles expertise.

    Just because you may have been a supervisor in the RAF does not mean you can be a supervisor in this game. It’s a totally different environment with completely different skills required.
    An ex RAF tosser who I know of thought he was better than everyone just because he had been a supervisor in the RAF. So after 3 years ROVing went to the ops manager and offered to take a pay cut to become a spervisor. Ask any ex Racal guy from circa 97-98.

    Effin, kinda gives the service a "dis-service doesn’t it???

    …… Dialog was here……..

    I would say you have 2 options, go and see your ops manager and offer to take a pay cut, or consider a job in a different field.

    Now run along and get me a tea (White nun) while I finish off my DPR, I will be on the bridge.


    It scares the crap out of me not knowing the name behind the nickname especially when reading some of this.



    Scott Beveridge


    You know, it seems to me that there’s probably some ops. managers and gm’s that might be reviewing the cv’s under a microscope. Yep, that’s probably what’s going on… No disrespect to the forces (I was in one) but the R.A.Farce might not be the most favoured of em’ reading through the posts here…. Beware lads…. 🙄

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