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Is it me or are Supervisors idle?

Home Forums General General Board Is it me or are Supervisors idle?

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    To answer your original question ("Is it me or are supervisors lazy?");

    er, I think it may be you.

    Your initial post did not sound like just ‘friendly banter’, more like a rant from someone with a chip on their shoulder, and a sweeping generalisation at that. No wonder the thread has turned a bit nasty. Yes, there are lazy Supervisors (as well as lazy techs, in this as well as any other industry, including the RAF).

    It does seem possible, if you have been employed by 3 companies in 3 years, (and are not freelance), then it may be you that has the problem.
    This would be true in most industries.

    To claim you have learned more than they have forgotten is very arrogant – usually people who are really good don’t tend to brag about it.
    Were you also the ace of the base in your previous career?

    To slag off people without knowing who they are or having worked with them, e.g. lostboy etc, just makes you sound like a tosser, and almost makes me ashamed to be associated with being ex-RAF.
    Why don’t you wind your neck in if you haven’t got anything useful to contribute, and stop this forum degenerating into a kiddies slanging match.



    Hey temp,

    Please stand up and take a bow. Well said 😆 😆


    Well said temp!!! 😈



    Further to the comments above, I would like to add that it does no favours for anyone that has a forces background never mind just the crabs. It is bad enough having to start all over again, (at the bottom of the ladder cos what you were/did in the past has no bearing on what you want to do in this industry) without some numpty making it more difficult than it already is to be accepted into a new career. There is already some resentment there towards ex-forces guys and it is up to all of us to redress that and put it right 💡 💡 💡

    The attitude from ter man who started this thread will work against him in the long run. Maybe it already is 😳


    This Thread is going to go on ad-infinitum (latin),
    all of us have at some stage in our career worked with supervisors or superintendents who achieved there post through family/ company connections , this nepotism is wide spread and at the end of the day who really cares, go out do your job to the best of your ability, enjoy your life and earn respect from crew members and agent/gold hat etc. I understand that a bad supervisor or tech can make life awkward for the rest of the crew but switch off and don’t let it affect you personally. we are normally only dealing with 28 day trips at most and that is not your whole life. Hope all you guys are getting plenty of work and expect to be back out again at the weekend.
    Cheers for now Polo.


    For whats it’s worth heres my input.

    As a sub eng I worked with Supervisors who I thought were lazy and yes it used to wind me up.
    I sometimes worked with Supervisors who were control freaks who just had to be involved with everything.
    Out of the two I preffered the lazy type who stayed out the way and let me get on with it.
    Later I came to realise that if a Supervisor sits on his ass while you work then he trusts you to work unsupervised which I would say is a compliment.
    Now I’m a Supervisor and I try to leave the guys to do their job if I think they’re up to it. I’ll help and advise if I have to but I know how annoyed I got with a control freak supervisor.

    After 5 years experience then I would say your deluding yourself thinking you’ve forgotten more than your boss knows.
    He maybe comes across as lazy and maybe even isn’t as technically good as you but he’s been in far more situations and has a wealth of experience which he will share provided you show the right attitude.

    This is a bit of a serious reply to what must be a wind up thread.


    Circles, circles, circles.
    I just read this entire thread again, and am so dizzy with the amount of times it has gone around in circles that I think I need a long lie down.
    I agree with the rest. Send it off to archive.

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